The THRIVE Center

CDI Student Organizations

The CDI advises, supports and collaborates with various identity-based and advocacy student organizations on campus. The student organizations and councils associated with our center carry out their own programming, but meet with the CDI on a regular basis for advice and mentorship.

Student leaders from all student organizations created the CDI brand of leadership statement below.

CDI Brand of Leadership Statement

A form of leadership that thinks critically about the surrounding physical and social environment and devotes themselves to passing along a consistent message to the larger Xavier community through actively inclusive, informative, and fun platforms while being confident and unapologetic about their identities and cultures in order to bring about change.

Reserve the CDI

Student organizations looking to reserve the CDI space for general body or executive meetings can do so by completing this form on EngageXU. Reservation requests should be submitted no later than 1 week prior to an event or meeting. Please contact with questions.