
Annual Reporting and Club Renewal


All clubs are required to complete a Year End Report (at the end of Spring semester) to be filed electronically through OrgSync with the Office of Student Involvement. This report is built to capture information from student organizations related to their operations, progress on goals for the year, learning outcomes for club leaders, and feedback for the Office of Student Involvement. At the end of each academic year student organization leaders are also required to renew their organization with the Office of Student Involvement. If the leaders fail to renew their organization, the organization will no longer be active and lose their club status at Xavier.

All of these requirements must be completed by 5pm on friday, May 3, 2019

Requirement #1:

Complete the PROGRAMS AND EVENTS SUMMARY EXCEL TEMPLATE and upload it within the Year End Report form on OrgSync

Requirement #2:

Complete the CURRENT ORGANIZATION ROSTER TEMPLATE and upload it within the Year End Report form on OrgSync

Requirement #3:

Submit a YEAR END REPORT through OrgSync

Requirement #4:

UPDATE ORGSYNC PROFILE with 2019-2020 information (including officers/advisor)

Requirement #5:

Sign a new ADVISOR AGREEMENT FORM and submit to Office of Student Involvement

DUE MAY 3, 2019 BY 4PM


Clubs, University-Affiliated Organizations, and Subordinate Bodies are required to submit this template with their Year End Report. Individual (NPHC only) Fraternities and Sororities, Club Sports, and Limited Affiliation Groups, and Student Working Groups do not need to submit this template.

Before starting the Year End Report you should download and complete the "Programs and Events Summary Template" excel file. This document will provide the University with important information about the events, programs, and meetings that student organizations participated in this year.

You should download the file to your computer, complete the form with your information, and save it to your computer. The last part of the file name which reads, Add Your Organization Name Here, should be changed to your club name! Leave the first half of the file name as, Programs and Events Summary Template.

When completing the Year End Report (Requirement #3) you will be prompted to upload this document to your report.

**If your organization has not sponsored any events, programs, or meetings you will still need to upload the template with an explanation as to why you have not hosted any activities.**

**If you are planning an event that will happen after you submit this form, DO include it on the spreadsheet. Add/estimate as much information as possible. No need to wait until the event is over to submit your report!**

** DO include your club meetings on this form**


Clubs, University-Affiliated Organizations, and Subordinate Bodies are required to submit this template with their Year End Report. Individual (NPHC only) Fraternities and Sororities, Club Sports, and Limited Affiliation Groups, and Student Working Groups do not need to submit this template.

Before starting the Year End Report you should download and complete the "Current Organization Roster Template" excel file. This document will provide the University with important information about the level of interest in your club/organization, and the overall participation of students. We are looking for members who actively participate in the organization. We also are requiring you to provide their Banner ID #, beginning with 000.

You should download the file to your computer, complete the form with your information, and save it to your computer. The last part of the file name which reads, Add Your Organization Name Here, should be changed to your club name! Leave the first half of the file name as, Organization Roster Template.

When completing the Year End Report (see below) you will be prompted to upload this document to your report.


Clubs, University-Affiliated Organizations, and Subordinate Bodies are required to submit a report. Individual (NPHC only) Fraternities and Sororities, Club Sports, and Limited Affiliation Groups, and Student Working Groups do not need to submit this report.

The Year End Report is an opportunity for Student Organizations to contribute what they have been working on and accomplishing throughout the year.

It is the responsibility of the president of the organization to submit the Year End Report, no other submission will be accepted.

Components of the Report: OrgSync Form + 1 Excel Template (see above requirement) + By-Laws Updated

The Year End Report will ask you for your basic contact and organization information. You should be prepared to answer some short answer questions about your organization's goals and accomplishments this year and be able to provide feedback on resources, training, and services provided by the Office of Student Involvement. Within the report you will be prompted to upload the Programs and Events Summary Template, which should be complete and saved with your organization name.


ALL STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS ARE REQUIRED TO UPDATE THEIR ORGSYNC PROFILE AT THE END OF EACH ACADEMIC YEAR including: clubs, university-affiliated organizations, subordinate bodies, club sports, student working groups, and fraternities/sororities residing under NPHC.

How do we keep record of each organization's President, Vice President, and Treasurer? Through OrgSync! The information on your organization's profile is the University's official record. This is why it is so important to keep your profile updated. Each spring we require outgoing presidents to update the organization's information to reflect the next year's leadership.

You will need to log on to OrgSync to update the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Advisor then give them Administrative Access to manage your OrgSync group. Also, re-evaluate your description and mission, profile picture, meeting time and place, and membership. New incoming first year students will be searching OrgSync for involvement opportunities over the summer months. Your organization's OrgSync profile is your first impression.

How to Update Your Student Organization OrgSync Profile and Grant Administrative Access:

How to Update your Organization Profile:

  1. Log on to OrgSync with your Xavier user name and password and go to your organization's portal.
  2. Scroll over Settings on the top bar. Click on Organizational Settings. (If you do not see Organizational Setting, you do not have Administrative Access and are not permitted to update your organization's portal. Have a member of your organization who does have administrative access give access to you or contact Dustin Lewis at to gain access.)
  3. Click on the green box reading Update and Renew Profile. (If an update session was previously abandoned the green box will read Resume Submission, click to continue updating.)
  4. Update all relevant information.
  5. There are multiple pages to update in your profile, click through those pages using the green Continue button on the bottom of each page.
  6. On the last page click Finish to submit your changes.
  7. Your changes must be approved by the Office of Student Involvement, allow up to a week for changes to appear on your profile.
  8. Whenever you add a person as a President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Advisor you should always give them administrative access.

How to Grant Administrative Access:

Giving the appropriate members of your organization Administrative Access allows them to make changes to your profile, view the Treasury tab, send messages, invite new members, and access other important tools necessary to manage your organization's profile.

  1. Log on to OrgSync with your Xavier user name and password and go to your organization's portal.
  2. Click on People at the top of the page.
  3. You will see the list of members in your organization.** Click on a person who you'd like to give Administrative Access, their membership profile will appear.
  4. In their Basic Details, under Members, click Manage and select Administrators.
  5. Do this for your new President, Vice President, Treasurer, Advisor, and any other member who would need access. Follow the same steps to remove Administrative Access from the outgoing leadership.
  6. **If the person you are trying to give Administrative Access to is not a member of your OrgSync portal you must first invite them to join. When sending an invite you can automatically give them Administrative Access and skip this step. Find instructions here.


Clubs, University-Affiliated Organizations, and Subordinate Bodies are required to submit an agreement. Individual (NPHC only) Fraternities and Sororities, Club Sports, and Limited Affiliation Groups, and Student Working Groups do not need to submit an agreement.

All presidents and advisors are asked to complete a new Advisor Agreement Form. This form exists as an agreement between the advisor and the organization but also between the advisor and the Office of Student Involvement. An advisor to a student organization must be an employee of Xavier University with rank as a staff or faculty member. Organizations may choose to have co-advisors; an Advisor Agreement Form is required for each of the advisors.

**This form must be signed by the 2019-2020 president and advisor**

**Submit to the Office of Student Involvement, GSC 210**

**Even if your current advisor/president will continue their role, a new agreement form still must be signed!**


All clubs are required to complete a Mid Year Report (at the end of Fall semester) to be filed electronically through OrgSync with the Office of Student Involvement. This report is built to capture information from student organizations related to their operations, progress on goals for the year, learning outcomes for club leaders, and feedback for the Office of Student Involvement.


  • Reports must be completed by the current (or outgoing) president. Reports from any other club member or advisor will not be accepted.
  • Xavier University Clubs, University-Affiliated Organizations, and Subordinate Bodies are required to submit a report. Individual NPHC Fraternities and Sororities, Club Sports, Limited Affiliation Groups, and Student Working Groups do not need to submit the report.
  • Components of the report include the OrgSync form plus two Excel templates to be completed and uploaded within the report. The report will not be considered unless all three components are completed.


  • Excel Template #1: Organization Roster Template
    • In this template you will be asked to enter information about your club members, including: name, role in the organization (member, president, VP etc.), and year (junior, senior, etc.).
    • If you do not know certain information about an individual member please leave the entry blank - do not guess.
    • Be sure to name your document! Add your club name to the document title where indicated. The name should be named:
      Organization Roster Template - Add Your Organization Name Here
    • Do not submit this document in any other format. You will be asked to re-submit the document and your report will not be complete until the correct format is submitted.
  • Excel Template #2: Programs and Events Participation Summary Template
    • In this template you will be asked to list and give details about all of the programs, events, and meetings you have had as a club this semester. You will also be asked to provide the same information about participation in service related activities.
    • If you do not know certain information about a program please give as much details as possible. You can and should make estimates if you cannot remember certain details.
    • If you are unsure if a program should be listed as a program/event or a service activity, just pick where you think it best fits.
    • Be sure to name your document! Add your club name to the document title where indicated.The name should be named:
      Organization Budget Template - Add Your Organization Name Here
    • Do not submit this document in any other format. You will be asked to re-submit the document and your report will not be complete until the correct format is submitted.


  • You should download and complete the two Excel templates before starting the OrgSync form as you will be prompted to upload the documents within the report.
  • Follow the link below to get to the OrgSync form.
  • You must be logged on to OrgSync to complete the form.
  • You are able to save your work on the form and come back to it later. Just click the 'Save and Finish Later' button at the bottom of the screen. To return to your form, logon to OrgSync, follow the link to the form, and you will be given the option to 'Resume Form.'
  • You will receive an email confirmation from OrgSync when you have submitted your form.
Mid Year Report will be Available November 7, 2018