Registration Information

- Quick Tips for Registering
- Priority Registration for Current Students
- Search Schedule of Classes
- Search the Catalog
- Online Learning
- Online and In-Person Registration Process
- Pass/Fail Grade Option
- Closed Courses and Other Registration Errors
- Class Withdrawal
- Other Registration Conditions
- Course Fees and Additional Costs
- Courses at Other Institutions
- Adult and Professional Education at Xavier (APEX)
- Summer Sessions
- Waitlisting
Priority Registration for Current Students
Priority Registration is for currently enrolled students only. All other students can participate in Open Registration. Students participating in Priority Registration will receive a scheduled registration time several weeks in advance to the beginning of Priority Registration.
Students are required to meet all financial obligations prior to registration.
Students can find their Priority Registration appointment by checking their Registration Status on the on the Student Hub. Student Hub > Self-Service > Student Services > Registration > Prepare for Registration
Graduate Students
Currently enrolled graduate students may begin to register for classes any time after registrations opens
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students eligible to participate in Priority Registration may register for classes anytime after their assigned registration time slot through the close of all registration at the beginning of the semester. Priority Registration appointments are determined based on the number of earned hours as of the end of the previous semester.
- Undergraduate students are required to have an advisor's signature to register for classes
- Registration may be conducted online through the Student Hub or in person in the Registrar's Office.
Online Registration
Online registration is conducted through the Student Hub under "Self-Service".
Mobile Registration
Course registration (i.e. course add/drop) functionality is now available via the Xavier App. Add and drop courses anytime, anywhere via your mobile device. For more information, visit the Mobile Application website.
In-Person Registration
All undergraduates conducting registration In-Person require an advisor's signature on a completed Registration Form.
Pass/Fail Grade Option
The purpose of this policy is to encourage students to pursue coursework of interest outside of their areas of study. Students must petition or apply for consideration for a Pass/Fail grade from the department chair and consult their academic advisor to determine eligibility to ensure that the Pass/Fail option is appropriate. Licensure or advancement in a program or transfer of course credit to other universities may be affected by a Pass/Fail grade. There may also be implications for a student’s academic standing eligibility in athletics, financial aid qualifications, or eligibility for the Dean’s list. Students planning on entering graduate or professional school (e.g., Medical School, Law School) at any time after graduation should be aware that required or pre-requisite courses listed as Pass/Fail very often are not accepted. The policy has certain restrictions, listed below, that will protect students from any negative ramifications of choosing the Pass/Fail (P/F) option.
Purpose of Pass/Fail grade option
The purpose of this policy is to encourage students to pursue coursework of interest outside of their areas of study. Policies may vary by college, school or program.
Stipulations and rules of Pass/Fail option
- In order to elect the Pass/Fail option, the student must request their advisor complete the Pass/Fail form available in Self-Service Banner and is subject to approval by their instructor, advisor, and dean of their college/school.
- Students may select the Pass/Fail option only during the add/drop period for the given course. A return to regular grading is also restricted to this timeframe. These deadlines include half-semester classes, intersession, and summer classes.
- An undergraduate student may take a maximum of 9 hours of Pass/Fail coursework during the student’s undergraduate career.
- No more than 6 hours of Pass/Fail coursework can be taken in a single semester.
- This option is available to students in good academic standing, sophomore status or higher.
- Only electives can be taken as Pass/Fail option. Courses cannot be used to fulfill a major, minor, Core requirement, or corequisites. Additionally, study abroad programs are excluded from the Pass/Fail option.
- Students may petition to have the Pass/Fail course satisfy a requirement in the event they change their major to that new area, on a case-by-case basis, but their petition can be denied.
- Each academic department will determine if a given course can be taken as Pass/Fail based on degree requirements, program restrictions, etc.
- Pass/Fail grades will appear as P(pass), or F(fail) on students’ official academic transcripts.
- Pass (P): a permanent grade/credit indicating equivalent work of D or better and will count as earned hours toward graduation. A grade of P is not computed as part of a student’s semester or cumulative GPA.
- Fail (F): no credit, a permanent grade indicating equivalent work of less than a D in the course. Students who earn a grade lower than a D will receive that grade, and it will be included in the computation of overall GPA.
- Pass/Fail grades may not be converted to any other grade (except W (withdrawal)).
Online Learning
Are You Ready for Online Learning?
Extensive research shows that students succeed in online and blended courses when they possess certain capabilities and attributes. Before registering for an online course, please complete a self-assessment to find out if online learning is right for you.
Additional Online Learning Information
For additional Online Learning information please visit the Xavier Online Learning website.
Online and In-Person Registration Process
Information regarding registration can be found through the Student Hub under "Self-Service". Click on "Student Services" then "Registration" to check your Registration Status.
Registration cannot occur prior to a student's assigned time slot.
Closed Courses and Other Registration Errors
Class Override
A class override form allows a student to register for a class while overriding a major restriction, pre-requisite, co-requisite, time conflict, or closed class error. The override form must be approved and signed by the appropriate department chair to allow registration. Alternatively, the department chair can also issue an electronic override, which would then allow the student to register via web registration. All overrides are subject to the authority and approval of the department chair.
Pre-Requisite/Test Score Error
A pre-requisite or test score error indicates the course you are attempting to register for has one or more course pre-requisites and/or a placement test score that must first be met in order to register for that particular course. You can view course pre-requisites by clicking on the course in the schedule of classes, or in the course descriptions in the University Catalog.
Class Withdrawal
Following the 7th calendar day of the
Beginning with Spring 2016, students may withdraw from a course online through the Student Hub instead of using a paper form.
Other Registration Conditions
Open Registration
Open Registration begins after the conclusion of Priority Registration. This is open to all students who did not participate in Priority Registration.
Late Registration
Late registration begins on the first day of the semester and continues through the 7th calendar day of the semester.
Adding and Dropping Classes
Classes can be added and dropped from a student's schedule through the 7th calendar day of the semester with adviser's approval. Classes dropped during this period will have no repercussions on a student's academic record and will receive a 100% refund.
A drop/add form is required for course credit to be changed from credit to audit, or vice versa. Course taken as audit do not count toward full-time status for financial aid purposes. Refer to the University Catalog for academic policies regarding courses taken for audit.
Repeated Courses
A course can only be repeated 3 times including withdrawals. The previous course grade is excluded from the student's grade point average and the most recent course is included in the student’s grade point average, even if it is the occurrence with the lowest grade. Refer to the University Catalog for academic policies regarding repetition of courses.
There are some specific types of courses that may be repeatable for credit. Examples of these courses include music and theatre performance courses, topics courses (where specific section topics/titles vary widely), independent studies/tutorials, and some internships. Any questions about the repeatability of courses should be directed to a student’s Dean Office or the Office of the Registrar.
Course Load
Undergraduate Students: 18 hours maximum
Graduate Students: 15 hours maximum
Permission to exceed maximum course load limits, even if additional hours are being taken for audit, must be obtained from the college dean in writing and can be requested in advance. When written approval is submitted to the office of the registrar in advance of priority registration, the adjustment to the course load will be made by the beginning of priority registration.
Course Fees and Additional Costs
Courses at Other Institutions
Non-Consortium Credit
Students desiring to take courses at an accredited non-consortium university must receive prior approval from their academic adviser and dean. To start this process the student must take the Off-Campus Approval Formand a copy of the other institution's description for the course to their academic advisor and dean to receive permission and verify that the credit will transfer. Credit will only be granted if a grade of "C" or better was earned. This grade will not be placed on the student's Xavier record and is not computed into their Xavier GPA. Once the course has been completed, the student must request a transcript be sent to the Office of the Registrar at the following address:
Xavier University
Office of the Registrar
Attn: Transfer Credit
3800 Victory Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45207-3351
Please view our University Catalog for more information.
Consortium Credit
Through the Greater Cincinnati Collegiate Connection (GC3), any degree-seeking student registered at least half-time may register at other schools in the area for courses not available at Xavier, subject to the approval of their college dean and the host institution. For details about cross-registration, check with the Office of the Registrar.
The member institutions include:
- Art Academy of Cincinnati
- Athenaeum of Ohio
- Chatfield College
- The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
- College of Mount St. Joseph
- Gateway Community and Technical College
- God's Bible School and College
- Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science
- Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
- Miami University
- Northern Kentucky University
- Thomas More College
- Union Institute and University
- University of Cincinnati *UC has very limited course options. Please check with UC for their GC3 guidelines and restrictions.
- Wilmington College
- Xavier University
Please note that some GC3 member institutions have more limitations on course availability than others. To start the process students must complete the GCS Consortium Approval Form.
Articulation Agreements
Xavier University had an articulation agreement with Chatfield College signed in December of 2015 and valid until the closure of Chatfield College in January of 2023 . Contact the Office of the Registrar for more information.