glossary banner terms
Adjunct | An individual appointed on an academic term basis to teach not more than one-half of the normal faculty load for regular faculty in the particular academic program and for the term. |
Banner ID | Unique nine-digit numeric value for each person in Banner. |
Calculation Method | Method for determining the compensation. |
Campus | Site location for a course. Most courses will be taught on Main campus. If the class is not being taught on main campus, a specific site location is required. |
College Code | Organizes courses, majors and students by college. |
Compensation | Financial amount for services provided determined by a calculated method. |
Contact Hours | The actual amount of time in contact with the instructor. (Not used to determine faculty compensation.) |
Contract Type | Categories used to describe pay types such as adjunct and full-time. |
Course Reference Number (CRN) | It is a five-digit code that is unique to every section of each course. |
Credit Hours | Courses typically are approved and offered for a specific number of credit hours. |
Cross-listed Courses | Cross-listing permits the same section to be taken under different subject/course numbers. |
Date of Class | Time frame from the date the class begins to the date the class ends. |
Day of Class |
The University uses the following abbreviations for days: M - Monday |
Department Code | Organizes courses and sections within "colleges." Department codes designate responsibility for courses and are used to distribute course information to the correct department. |
Faculty Level | Categories by pay amounts used to determine adjunct faculty per credit hour pay rate. |
Enrollment Maximum | The maximum number of students able to enroll in a class section. |
Head Count | The number of students in a course. |
Incremental | Additional amount paid in addition to or instead of per credit hour rate. |
Instructional Method | The method in which a course is being taught such as traditional or online. |
Instructor Name | In order to assign an instructor in the Banner Schedule, he or she must be appointed in Banner Human Resources. |
Location | Specific building and room where a class is assigned. |
Main Department | The department in which the instructor reports. |
Multiple Instructors | More than one instructor is teaching the same course. Please note, only one instructor can be listed as the primary instructor. |
Part of Term (POT) | Time frame within the semester a course is taught. Most classes will fit into the full semester part of term 1. (Controls the dates of the payments for adjunct faculty and overload pay.) |
Percent of Responsibility | The total amount in which the instructor is accountable. Multiple instructors should total 100%. |
Percent of Session | The session amount in which an instructor is accountable. A session may be used to specify the different meeting time combinations or different schedule types associated with a section. |
Position Number | Unique identifying number assigned to positions as they are created. Position numbers can be used for individual positions or group positions. |
Primary Instructor | Main instructor teaching the course. Each course must list one primary instructor. |
Rate | The amount of money charged per unit. |
Schedule Type | Distinguishes the instructional delivery mechanism for a course such as lecture or lab. |
Subject Code | Indicates the discipline or subject matter. |
Term Code | A six-digit numeric value including the year and semester; the four-digit year followed by a two-digit term that relates to the month the term begins. Fall = 09 Spring = 01 Summer = 05 Example: Fall 2014 = 201409 |
Time of Class | Class times are submitted on the schedule using the 24-hour clock (e.g., 14:00 to 15:50). |
Wait-List Maximum | The maximum number of students able to wait-list a class section. |
Work Load | Defines the amount of time spent in the classroom for a course.(example: a lab course is one credit hour but the work load would be two hours) |