Public Statements of the PsyDAC
XU School of Psychology PsyDAC reaffirms: Every Black Life Matters
In the aftermath of George Floyd’s killing in early summer 2020, Xavier University’s president, Father Graham, condemned the event and provided historical context: “The most recent names on that line before George Floyd’s were those of Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery. And stretching back before Timothy Thomas, in 2001—how many exactly? Who and when? For that line extends through the mass incarceration of today to the heyday of lynching to the chattel slave system of the antebellum United States whose legacy our country has yet to outgrow. Seems in fact—too often—to be unwilling to outgrow.”
Soon after, the University initiated numerous efforts and actions specifically supporting antiracism, consistent with Xavier’s broad commitment to diversity and inclusion. A banner was placed outside Bellarmine Chapel to visibly demonstrate Xavier’s commitment to racial justice and black liberation. It declared: “Racism is a sin. Black Lives Matter.”
On January 30, 2021, unidentified persons cut this banner in half and vandalized the surrounding campus with stickers promoting the messages of an extremist group. In another recent statement, Father Graham calls us to action: “Where one banner [is] cut down, let us raise fifty more.”
Here is ours:
We, the graduate students and faculty members of the Psychology Diversity Advisory Committee in the School of Psychology at Xavier University release this statement reaffirming our commitment to foster a just and racially equitable campus community. We stand in solidarity with all Black individuals at Xavier, in Cincinnati, nationally, and internationally against hatred and anti-Black racism. We re-commit ourselves to demonstrating our institutional values of solidarity, kinship, justice, and love through our words and actions. In the face of growing division and dissension in our country, we state unequivocally:
Every Black Life Matters.
PsyDAC Statement on the Ukrainian Crisis
Over the past few weeks, the world has watched as the Russian government launched an unprovoked and unjustified military campaign against Ukraine. Global media coverage has allowed first-hand glimpses at the military atrocities and the resulting devastating fallout.
The Psychology Diversity Advisory Committee has been distressed by the Russian government’s wanton disregard for people living in Ukraine. The PsyDAC stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. The PsyDAC also stands in solidarity with international citizens and refugees living in Ukraine, and strongly condemns any racism and discrimination against Middle Eastern, African, and other non-White people trying to flee Ukraine. The PsyDAC stands in solidarity with all of those affected by the crisis, including Russian citizens being targeted solely because of their nationality.
Thankfully, many surrounding countries have opened their borders and welcomed Ukrainian refugees. As this humanitarian crisis is taking place halfway around the world, it is easy to feel like we cannot do anything to help. However, there are some options. If you are able to donate financially, here are a couple of non-profit organizations to consider. It is our belief that these organizations align with the PsyDAC’s and Xavier’s values of peace and justice. And remember any size contribution will help and be appreciated.
Save the Children
Donate to Help Children in Ukraine | Save the Children (Links to an external site.)Save the Children has been operating in Ukraine since 2014, delivering essential humanitarian aid to children and their families. Your donation to the Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund can help provide children and families with immediate aid, such as food, water, hygiene kits, psychosocial support and cash assistance. Together, we can protect children in crisis.
UKRAINE CRISIS FUND: Urgent aid for 4 million — Give now (Links to an external site.)
A donation to this appeal supports CARE’s Ukraine Crisis Fund aiming to reach 4 million with immediate aid and recovery, food, water, hygiene kits, psychosocial support, and cash assistance — prioritizing women and girls, families, and the elderly.
If you are unable to donate monetarily, we humbly ask you to send these links to family and friends.
We also encourage you to be global scholars, staying abreast of historical events both nationally and internationally. In the era of clickbait and fake news, it can be easy to be misinformed or misled. Therefore, we recommend doing your own research and critically analyzing your news sources.
Thank you to those who are able to provide monetary support and we ask that you keep the people living in Ukraine, and all people who are suffering injustice around the world, in your hearts and minds.
The Psychology Diversity Advisory Committee (PsyDAC)