Psychology Diversity Advisory Committee (PsyDAC)

PsyDAC Projects

Here are a few highlights of current/recent projects:

Campus Education & Outreach Subcommittee:

  • PsyDAC runs Difficult Dialogues workshops that train students to have productive conversations about polarizing topics. In 2022, the focus of these workshops will be on how to talk about the COVID pandemic and related public health measures. In 2021, the dialogues focused on how to dialogue across political ideologies.
  • Educational efforts by the PsyDAC have included collaboration with The THRIVE Center to advertise campus events to psychology graduate students, as well as PsyDAC group trips to attend campus and community educational, artistic, and cultural events. In addition, PsyDAC faculty have received grant funding to host a Diversity Speaker Series to educate psychology faculty and our practicum supervisors about best practices for the mentorship and training of students with diverse identities including race/culture, LGBTQIA+, and religion.
  • Collaboration with XPAGS and the faculty Culture Club to develop a mechanism for graduate students to report concerns and for administration to work collaboratively with the three groups to address concerns.

Program Belongingness & Inclusion Subcommittee

  • Initiation of an annual Climate Survey to assess student perceptions of climate, specifically related to diversity and inclusion, within the School of Psychology. The data from the initial survey was shared with the School of Psychology community and has led to several actions including changes to the new student orientation and increased student representation on committees and at School of Psychology meetings.
  • Each year, PsyDAC students participate in the recruitment of diverse applicants to the Psy.D. Program by calling applicants prior to the interview day, presenting on the PsyDAC during interview day, participating in break out rooms during the interview, and, recently, participating in the accepted students day.
  • Each year the PsyDAC gives out an award to one or more students who exemplify and advance the mission of the PsyDAC.
  • Input on revisions to the School of Psychology website to better emphasize diversity and inclusion as part of efforts to improve recruitment of diverse applicants to our graduate programs.
  • Creation of a Canvas page on which to store and share diversity, equity, and inclusion resources with the whole School of Psychology.

Advocacy & Community Outreach Subcommittee:

  • During the Holiday 2021 season, the PsyDAC raised $500 dollars for residents of St. Joseph’s home, an organization in Cincinnati that provides support for people with complex disabilities and their families. Past fundraisers have benefited local schools, local agencies working with individuals with disabilities, and victims of Hurricane Katrina.
  • Advocacy efforts have included: A 2022 statement on the crisis in Ukraine, a 2021 statement denouncing anti-Black racism and affirming our commitment to foster a just and racially equitable campus community, and a 2017 letter to the faculty requesting that extra emphasis be placed on attempting to recruit a candidate with a strong record of experience and scholarship related to diversity to fill a faculty vacancy.