Mission and Identity Programs

Ignatian Mentoring Program
With a 2004 grant from the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts and subsequently endowed by the XU Jesuit Community, the Program fosters a profound understanding of Jesuit education and Ignatian pedagogy through guidance by senior faculty. The learning outcomes are clearly evident within the classroom setting and showcased, by discipline, in Teaching to the Mission. Learn about the Ignatian metonring program.
List of xavier participants.
Assuring the Future Mission and Identity of Xavier (AFMIX) is a two-year educational process offering a comprehensive understanding of the Ignatian vision and how it can permeate learning environments inside and outside the classroom. Readings, lectures, and reflection are enhanced by weekly group discussions.
Learn more about AFMIX.
AFMIX is supported by a generous gift
from Phil '68 and Beth '74 Gasiewicz.
Deepening Our Mission and Identity at Xavier (Deep MIX) is a brief, engaging, in-depth program for faculty and staff who have completed a major professional development program in Xavier's Jesuit mission and identity: AFMIX, the Ignatian Colleagues Program, or the AJCU Summer Leadership Seminar. The goal of the program is to provide a "next level" reflection on how we live out Xavier's six core values in our work.
Loyola Lunch Seminars
All faculty and staff are invited to attend these weekly seminars on various topics related to Xavier's mission, Jesuit education, and Ignatian spirituality. Bring your lunch and join us each Thursday from 12:00-1:00 p.m. at the Center for Mission and Identity. Loyola Lunch seminars schedules.
Manresa for Faculty and Staff
The term "Manresa" refers to the orientation programs specially designed to acquaint new personnel with Xavier's Jesuit heritage. It is offered in two formats each fall semester: Manresa Away at Milford, an overnight, and Manresa on Campus, a three-part luncheon series.
Learn more about manresa.
The Spiritual Exercises / Direction
Opportunity is available to engage in Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercise and guidance. Contact Brother Darrell Burns SJ for information.
Wisdom and Integration Through the Spiritual Exercises (WISE)
A year-long group experience of Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises for faculty.
Conversations Hour
The Xavier community gathers once a semester to consider contemporary themes in Jesuit education from the current issue of Conversations, the national journal on Jesuit higher education.
Recent discussion topics.
Taking Time to Reflect
Offering veteran faculty the opportunity to think deeply on their professional activities and work-life experiences within an Ignatian context.
Learn more about time to reflect.
List of previous participants.
Special Events
Held in early fall for the entire campus community, this annual mass and lunch celebrates the beginning of the new academic year.
Fall 2018 celebration.
An event held every April offering a Presidential recognition of participants in the Center's major educational programs. Learn more about celebration of excellence.
The Center assists the President's Office and Special Events in coordinating various mission-oriented events, such as the Advent Blessing, Baccalaureate Mass, and Family Weekend.
Discernment Groups
Through communal discernment, education, immersion and spirituality, groups consider ways to deepen the Jesuit identity across the campus.
Discernment Group III was charged by President Graham in Spring 2010 and serves as an advisory board to the Conway Institute for Jesuit Education.
List of participants.
Discernment Group II was charged by President Graham in Spring 2010 and is a council of associate vice presidents and associate deans working to deepen the Jesuit identity within the campus culture.
Discernment Group I (2007-2009). Xavier's first Discernment Group, comprised of 14 faculty and administrators, were charged by President Michael Graham, S.J. to outline a plan for the future of the Division of Mission & Identity.
Discernment Group I details.
Ignatian Retreats
Periodically the Center offers a day of retreat:
- 2018: Mission Living
- 2017: What Does it Mean to be a Mission Driven Institution?
- 2016: Our Way of Proceeding
- 2015: Ignatius Was Not Always a Jesuit
- 2012: The Psalms: A Pathway to Prayer
- 2011: Ignatian Retreat: A Walk with Mark
- 2010: Simple Prayer for Complex Living
- 2009: Ignatian Spirituality: It's Not Just for Jesuits Anymore
Mission Animators
The Center for Mission and Identity actively supports the work of other people and offices in animating the Jesuit tradition. See a list of semester events open to the campus and regional community.
Immigration and Refugees 2016-17
Grant Application
Economic Justice 2017-18
Grant Application
Women, 2019
Grant Application
Educating For Justice
A gift from Dr. Robert McDonald, '55, supports faculty in integrating service and the promotion of social justice into the curriculum through direct student contact with the marginalized.
Learn more about educating for justice.
Understanding Our Heritage,
Living the Mission
This series provides a brief overview about Jesuit heritage and education. Each section includes a two-minute video, selected readings and reflection questions. It is useful for helping to orient Xavier staff and students, faculty, and Board of Trustees members.
Annual Pope Francis Presentation
Elected the 266th Pope on March 13, 2013, Pope Francis is annually honored at Xavier with a community presentation on a theme relevant to his papacy.
Supporting the President's Leadership Team
See the topics for each of the gatherings of the President's senior leaders.
Specialty Seminars and
Speaking Engagements
A variety of mission-related seminars are offered periodically, for instance, Xavier as a Community Engages University (2013), Sustainability and the Mission (2012), the Jesuit Commons (2011), and EntreLeadership Mastery and Moxie (2017).
In addition, the Center's staff provide mission-related presentations as requested. Such presentations can help divisions, departments, or student groups better understand and reflect upon Xavier's mission.
Women's Ignatian Leadership Salon
Strengthening capacities and confidence of women leaders through personal reflection, small group conversation, and peer support. Participant groups have included: Xavier faculty and staff and graduate students, local entrepreneurs, mission officers of the AJCU, and administrators of the Upper Midwest Province (read the Jesuit News Brief). See the companion Salon booklet, Mastery and Moxie in 31 Days: A Guide and Journal for Career Women.
Hot Topics in Women's Leadership: A Campus Conversation
National and Regional Mission Programs
In conjunction with both regional and national consortiums, the Center for Mission and Identity facilitates participation in the following programs for Xavier faculty, staff, and administrators.
AJCU Seminar on Leadership in Higher Education
With the support of the presidents of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities, the AJCU offers a program designed to address the many issues facing current academic and administrative leaders and the developing leaders who will guide Jesuit institutions deep into the 21st century.
List of past participants.
Collegium is a joint effort by 65 Catholic colleges and universities to recruit and develop faculty who can articulate and enrich the spiritual and intellectual life of their institutions. Collegium sponsors annual, week-long summer colloquies for faculty from its member institutions from universities throughout the United States and Canada. The colloquies provide a collegial environment in which participants from diverse backgrounds, faiths, and disciplines can discuss the sources and implications of a Christian academic vocation.
List of Xavier Delegates.
Ignatian Colleagues Program
The Heartland Delta Consortium's Ignatian Colleagues Program (ICP) is designed for academic administrators who are capable of and committed to assuming leadership within the Ignatian spiritual and educational heritage and who will sustain their school's Jesuit, Catholic character into the future. The Program consists of cohort gatherings, online learning opportunities, an Ignatian retreat, an international immersion experience, and a capstone project.
Lilly Fellow's Administrators' Workshop
In conjunction with the National Conference, the Workshop is for senior administrators from each member university or college of the Network of Christian universities.
AJCU/Heartland-Delta Faculty Conversations Conference
Each February, this gathering addresses themes relevant to faculty in Jesuit higher education.
List of xavier delegates.
For information on conferences hosted at Xavier:
2014 Celebrating 200 Years of Restoration
2018 Enhancing Jesuit Education Through Multicultural, Feminist and Ignatian Pedagogies
Heartland-Delta Triennial Conference
Delegates from the 12 AJCU Heartland-Delta institutions assemble every 3-5 years to critically examine issues in Jesuit education. The most recent was held at Xavier University in May 2010, Ignitian collegues program.
The next Conference is scheduled for May 28 2015; More details on next conference.
Ignatian Pilgrimage
Coordinated through Holy Cross University, this 10-day trip to Spain and Rome follows in the footsteps of Ignatius Loyola.
National Magis Retreat
A week-long Ignatian retreat for faculty to reflect upon Ignatian spirituality within their personal and professional lives. To see the list of participants from Xavier, List of National Magis Retreat participants.
AJCU Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Conference
The AJCU Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Conference is held every 4 years to coordinate, convene, communicate and connect persons and institutions devoted to justice in Jesuit Higher Education.
2017 – Aug 10-13, 2017; Seattle University
‘Through the Eye of the Needle: Commitment to Justice in Higher Education’