Mission and Identity Programs

Faculty/Staff Retreat 2015

Picture of XU students in the snow with Fenwick lawn in the background

Ignatius Was Not Always a Jesuit: Fundamental Ignatian Spirituality

Thursdays: January 22, 29 and February 5
Justice Hall Conference Room,
Center for Mission and Identity
12:00pm to 1:00pm Lunch is provided

The retreat will follow the format of three consecutive sessions, each flowing from the previous meeting, on three consecutive Thursdays, for one hour each session. This retreat will consist of "non-Jesuits " sharing their personal reflections on the invitation, the challenge, and the opportunity of living with Ignatian Spirituality as a guide. How they live out this spirituality on a day to day basis. After introductory comments, Session I will focus on an experience of Ignatian contemplative prayer and quiet reflective time. Each session will include lunch and a "round table" open discussion on some of the practical aspects of Ignatian Spirituality: how, in ordinary circumstances, this spirituality can be a lived reality.

Speakers include:
Carl Caceres (Coordinator for Faith and Ministry, CFJ)
Thomas Kessinger (Associate Professor for Secondary and Special Education)
Mark McLaughlin (Executive Director for Gifts and Estate Planning)
Allison Morgan (Assistant Director, University Library)
Carol Reid (Administrative Assistant, Student Affairs)
Doug Riga (Senior Database Administrator, Application Services)
Holly Schapker (Professional Artist, XU Graduate)
Izola White (Administrative Assistant, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs)

Ignatian Spirituality is intended to be a spirituality for those individuals who find it appealing. It is intended to be a spirituality for busy people, people engrossed in the world, people facing the tensions and pressures of daily life and decision making; everyday people, not exclusively priests or members of a religious community. Ignatius went through his conversion experience and began to form this spirituality long before he was a priest and even longer before he began a religious community. In fact, about 20 years passed from his time at Manresa to the founding of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). This is a spirituality of non-cleric shared by other lay people. It is out of the foundation of this spirituality that the Society of Jesus is born, not the other way around - unlike other religious orders.

Open to people of all faith traditions and spiritualities.

RSVP to Diana Rischmann at rischman@xavier.edu.
Direct questions to Br. Darrell Burns, Burnsd1@xavier.edu.