Celebration of Student Research, 2017
Easton Mohn - senior Actuarial Science and Economics major - at his research poster, Effects of Child Health on Remittance Level
Oral Presentations
Drew Philip: The effect of the incidence function on the existence of backward bifurcation
3:10-3:30 in ALT 307
Mary Moesta: A Mathematical Model for the Epidemiology of Yellow Fever
3:30-3:50 in ALT 307
Kaitlin Bruegge: Political Opinion and Social Media: A Mathematical Model
4:10-4:30 in ALT 307
Austin Fry: Can Mathematics Help End the Scourge of Political Gerrymandering?
4:10-4:30 in ALT 205
Drew Philip receives the first annual Xavier Undergraduate Research Award
This award is given to a graduating senior who has demonstrated an excellent track record of participation in research throughout their time at Xavier. He was presented with the award at the Celebration of Student Research on April 24, 2017.