Student Health Policies
Student Health Policies
Student Records
Athletic training students medical records will be kept confidential and not disclosed without written consent of the student. These records are not kept with the student's academic records and are not accessible to the public.
Health Assessment
It is important that each student notify their preceptor of any pre-existing medical problems (allergies, medications, etc.) that may be pertinent to the experience. If a student who is enrolled in the program has a change in their health status that may require a modification in their clinical duties, they are required to submit an updated form to the Program Director.
Health Certification
Students are required to submit a record of their immunizations prior to starting their first clinical experience. One of the immunizations required prior to starting clinical assignments is the Hepatitis B vaccine series. The student is informed concerning the risks and benefits of the immunization. They may also reserve the right to refuse the immunization if certain circumstances exist. Students refusing immunization will be counseled on the potential risks and be required to sign a refusal of immunization. Students may also request work restrictions through their preceptor for reasons pertinent to infection control. These restrictions may be either permanent or temporary. An example of a restricted situation is in the treatment of an open lesion that may present an increased risk of exposure.
Athletic training students will be encouraged to review their personal immunization records for protection against Hepatitis B, influenza, rubella, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and pneumonia. Please note that athletic training students are required to submit valid medical records to the Program Director for rubella (German measles), rubeola (measles), mumps, tuberculosis, and hepatitis B. The tuberculin skin test must be repeated the summer before the second year in the program.