Clinical Plan

Students will spend 4 semesters gaining hands-on experience. Students will get the opportunity to learn from certified athletic trainers and other health care professionals in a variety of settings such as:
• Xavier University
• High School
• Physical Therapy Clinics
• Hospitals
• Professional Sport Teams
Students in the AT program will gain experience with sports that require protective equipment, such as a helmet and shoulder pads. Students gain this experience working with football, lacrosse, and/or hockey.
We make sure that every student gets a variety of experiences, including working with individual sport athletes, athletes that play on a team, patients of different sexes, non-sport patient patient populations (e.g., outpatient clinic, emergency room, primary care office, industrial, performing arts, military) and a variety of conditions other than orthopedics (e.g., primary care, internal medicine).
All students will gain exposure to various allied health professionals. These individuals can include physicians, physician assistants, emergency medical technicians, nurses, emergency room personal, and physical therapists.