Learning, Living, Working

Action Updates 2021-2022

Pulse Narrative from Dr. Norm Townsel


2020-2021 Pulse Survey

Themes Identified by the Climate Survey Leadership Team

The Climate Survey Leadership team has identified the below issues as key findings from this year’s Pulse Survey.  Work is being done to address these findings and to enhance the University’s climate.  Below are just some of the initiatives being advanced to address these issues.    

Recurring Themes from Past Years

  • Employee departures/thinking of leaving [issues of retention]
  • Exclusion based on political views

New Themes

  • Increase in bias/harassment
  • Exclusion based on mental health
  • Concerns around safety and security


Recurring Themes Actions Being Taken to Address Issues

Employee departures/thinking of leaving [issues of retention]


Continuing efforts to restore salary and benefits.


New exit survey to learn more about employee departure and inform our retention efforts.


Staff Advisory Council has made staff retention a priority for this academic year.


Outward Inclusion Professional Development for executive leaders across campus


AFFIRM under-represented faculty mentoring initiative


Exclusion based on political views


Take It On 2024

New Themes



Increase in bias/harassment


Hiring of an Equity Investigator


Anti-racism analysis of University policies and practices


HR is purchasing and implementing affirmative action software



Student exclusion based on mental health


Academic leadership and the CTE are working with faculty to support students impacted by COVID


Diversity and Inclusion Teaching Academy


CDI and Counseling collaboration


Concerns around safety and security


Campus Police has enhanced our surveillance capacities and has participated in and led extensive inclusion and diversity training