How to Get Involved in the Sustainability Community
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Link to Green Umbrella. www.greenumbrella.org
There is a new Impact Team at Green Umbrella called Faith Communities go Green which Joanne Gearson of Shomrei Olam and James Buchanan are co-chairing. There will be a link for that and it will offer opportunities for students to be involved in collective action in the region. We will be developing resources that can be used by the many faith traditions to help them go green.
ECOS Electives
April 2020
Course no. and name | Faculty |
MATH 125: Women in Math | Shiela Doran |
BIOL 120/136: Ecology and People | Brent Blair (lab various) |
BIOL 250/251: Ecology | Brent Blair (lab various) |
PHYS 128 (lecture): The Science of Energy | Jonathon Morris |
PHYS 129 (lab): The Science of Energy | Jonathon Morris |
PHYS 214: Science of Energy and the Environment | Jonathon Morris |
POLI 140: American Government and Politics | R. Bradley Nestheide |
POLI 120: Comparitive Government and Politcs | Bin Yu |
POLI 321: Politics of the Anthropocene | Anas Malik |
POLI 372: International Political Economy | Anas Malik |
POLI 344/THEO 345: The Challenge of Peace | John Sniegocki |
POLI 346/HIST 290: Strategies in Community Organizing | Sean Rhiney/ Diane Ceo-DiFrancesco |
ENGL 205: Lit and the Moral Imagination: Threatened, Endangered and Extinct (or Other Topics) | Lisa Ottum |
ENGL 363: Ecocriticism | Lisa Ottum |
ECON 441: Econ of Developing country II | Thomas Lebesmuehlbacher |
ECON 320: Nature Resource Economics | Justin Roush |
HIST 436: Urban Ecologies, Urban Economies | John Fairfield |
HIST 362: Global Cultures and Politics | Suparna Chatterjee |
HIST 398: History of Agriculture | Kathleen Smythe |
MUSC 108: Music, Love and Death: The Earth | Kaleel Skeirik |
THEO 257: Franciscan Spirituality | Gillian Ahlgren |
THEO 360: Consumption as Problem | Gillian Ahlgren |
Theo 388: Wilderness and Religious Imagination | Leon Chartrand |