Prayers for Opening The Year


A Prayer for Our Students

I pray for:

Strength - that God gives them the strength to do what they need to do each day.

Courage - that they will be brave as they face the challenges that are before them.

Peace - that their hearts will be calm and peaceful as they go through their day and in their sleep at night.

Provision - asking God to provide for all that they need - for stamina, spirit, and finances - for each day.

Direction - that they will be led to embrace what is good and right.

Protection - that God keeps them safe in this increasingly unsafe world and protects them from harm and wickedness.

Joy - that God fills them with the kind of bliss joy that can only come from the Divine.

Compassion - that they will show compassion on those in need and who have less than they do.

Justice - to give them a sense of justice to stand up for what is right and to defend the weak.

Wisdom - that they will grow in knowledge and understanding.

Hope - to give them the hope that comes from above - the kind that far exceeds what we have in the here and now.

Love - that our children are filled with the love of God. That they will know how deeply they are loved, and that love will overflow onto others.

- Offered by Aaron Meis

The End and Beginning of the Academic Year

Dear God, thank you for this day and this season in our cycle - one of reveal. Help us use the opportunity to refresh, just as we use our talents to do your work through our students.

Each August we begin a new cycle with energy and excitement. And each May, we celebrate - applauding a new group of graduates as we reflect on our purpose of developing women and men for others. 

So now is the season of planning and preparing. Let us use it well, to then lift up our students and Xavier. But let us also remember ourselves - to renew and to recharge. To be ready for the new year. 

In your son's name we pray. 

Written and Offered by Greg Christopher

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Journey of Exploration

Let us set out together on a journey of exploration,
an adventure of discovery.

Let us trust our Self
to find our own unique ways
to walk with God on our journey.

Let us trust our Self
to learn to dance along the path ...
our own special dance in rhythm with the Spirit
of God...

Let us trust our Self
to be able to follow the Spirit with confidence...
the Spirit of Life and love...
who longs to lead each of us to abundant life
and love and happiness.

Let us trust God in the depths of our Self...
and believe that our own deep desire for God
is "only a shadow"
of God's passionate desire for us.

Let us believe that we only need to let go...
and to be open to God
in whatever tiny ways we are able...
and that God will respond with eagerness...
illuminating our path...
and then running exuberantly to meet us
with arms flung wide
to embrace each of us
in divine and fervent love.

- By Jean Gill

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Freshmen and Family Welcome

Manresa Speech inside the Cintas Center at Xavier University

God, we ask for your blessing and guidance as we celebrate the beginning of the Class of 20xx's college careers. We give thanks to parents, families, friends, guardians, mentors, all who have helped make these great people who they are today. In the transition to this university, we ask that you bless the move with order, speed, and ease. And as we settle in, help us to open our hearts so that we might be ready to say "goodbye" to what was, and be open to what will be. We pray that we might be inspired by new places, new things, new people, new opportunities, new challenges. Grant us accepting hearts and open minds, and give us the courage to truly act as we are called to be in the world. We pray that the Class of 2017 will thrive academically, morally, and spiritually as the make the most of their Xavier experience.

- Laura Birckhead '15

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Welcoming Our New Colleagues

Gracious God,
With joy, we now join here together to celebrate,
as some look back on times past and as others look forward to times yet to come.
We rejoice in the opportunity to become better acquainted with our fellow colleagues while finding You in them.
We are grateful for the encouragement we receive
to seek to know You as the source and substance of our mission and identity.

We are humbled to be entrusted with the service
and promotion of social justice in our local and global communities.
We ask that You guide us in this service.
We praise You for Your generous gift of life and love and ask for Your help in sharing that love with everyone we meet.

- Sheila Doran

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A Welcoming Prayer for New Hires

Thank you, O Holy One, for all that has led to this wonderful day on our campus.

It is with great anticipation, hope and joy that we greet our new companions.
With them - we enter into a remarkable period in the life of Xavier University.
Bless the wisdom, talents, diversity, and novelty that they bring and share.

For those of us that have called Xavier our professional home for years or decades...
Help us to bring-out the best in those that we welcome today - as they will bring-out the best in us.
Help us to foster their career endeavors and to be receptive to their fresh ideas.
Help us to be gracious and supportive guides to those that we now call "our new colleagues" but who we will soon call "our friends."

Together - help us to do your work by doing - our work with excellence and reverence.
God Bless our shared mission and future at Xavier.

- Debra Mooney

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First Administrative Meeting of the Year

Good and loving God –

Thank you for the blessings of the summer season, for the many gatherings and celebrations, big and small, for the chances to relax, to explore, to learn, to give that come to us in unique ways over these hot summer months.

Lord we pray that as we turn our minds more fully back to the work of Xavier University, that you excite our imagination with possibility, that you allow us to see things in a way we haven’t before. We pray that you help us to ignite the enthusiasm of the people around us, so that they too can work toward the greater, the better the more, in ways that we haven’t yet dreamed.

As always, we welcome your presence and guidance in our work, and we look forward to these next chapters with faith, stamina, and courage. Amen.

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