Foundational Documents on Jesuit Catholic Education
Top 5
As identified by the editor; ordered by year of publication
- Some Characteristics of Jesuit Colleges and Universities: A Self Evaluation Instrument - AJCU presidents and US provincials, 2013
- The Jesuit Catholic Mission of Jesuit Colleges and Universities - AJCU, 2010
- Ten Building Blocks of Catholic Social Teaching - W. Byron, S.J., 1998 (or Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching US Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2005)
- Ex Corde Ecclesiae - Pope John Paul II, 1990, an Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities
- Themes of Jesuit Higher Education - Former Superior General, Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., 1989
Foundations of a Jesuit Catholic University
Jesuit Higher Education
- Some Characteristics of Jesuit Universities - AJCU presidents and US provincials, 2013
- Challenges to Jesuit Higher Education Today - Superior General Adolfo Nicolas, S.J., 2010
- The Jesuit Catholic Mission of Jesuit Colleges and Universities - AJCU, 2010
- The Influence of the Spiritual Exercises on Six Dimensions of Jesuit Education - Michael Graham, S.J., 2006
- Jesuit "Products" are Persons of Quality - W. Byron, S.J., 2000
- Higher Standards - Dean Brackley, S.J., 1999
- Themes of Jesuit Higher Education - Former Superior General, Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., 1989
Ignatian - Jesuit Core Values
- Sustainability and Ecological Justice - A collection of resources
- Gifts of Our Ignatian Heritage - Xavier University Discernment Group I, 2009
- The Service of Faith in a Religiously Pluralistic World - Former Superior General, Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., 2006
- Justice in Higher Education - Dean Brackley, S.J., 2005
- Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice in Jesuit Higher Education - Former Superior General, Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., 2001
- Characteristics of the Ignatian Vision - George Traub, S.J., 2000
Ignatian Spirituality
- An Ignatian Daily Examen - Xavier University Center for Mission and Identity
- Ignatian Spirituality and the Spiritual Exercises - Debra Mooney
- Real Engagement with Ignatian Spirituality in the Professoriate - George Traub, S.J., and Debra Mooney
- Jesuit and Ignatian Spirituality - Darrell Burns, S.J.
- The Influence of the Spiritual Exercises on Six Dimensions of Jesuit Education - Michael
Graham, S.J., 2006
The Life of St. Ignatius Loyola
- A Biography - St. Ignatius Loyola: The Founder of the Jesuits - George Traub, S.J., and Debra Mooney, 2010.
General Congregations
- GC 35 (2008) Document Decrees 1-6
A Summary - George Traub, S.J. - GC 34 (1995)
A Summary - George Traub, S.J.
Decree 2 - Servants of Christ's Mission
Decree 3 - Our Mission and Justice
Decree 4 - Our Mission and Culture
Decree 5 - Our Mission and Interreligious Dialogue
Decree 13 - Collaboration with the Laity in Mission
Decree 14 - Situation of Women in Church and Civil Society
Foundations of a Catholic University
- Ex Corde Ecclesiae - Pope John Paul II, 1990, an Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities
Catholic Higher Education
- Principles of Good Practice for Student Affairs at Catholic Colleges and Universities - ACCU, 2010
- Pursuing Jesuit, Catholic Identity and Mission at U.S. Jesuit Colleges and Universities - Charles Currie,
S.J., 2011 - Are We Still Jesuit? Catholic? - Charles Currie, S.J., 2008
- The Catholic University of the 21st Century: Educating for Solidarity - Paul Locatelli, S.J., 2005
- The Truly Catholic University - Richard Malloy, S.J., 2004
- Conversations on Jesuit (and Catholic) Higher Ed.: Jesuit Si, Catholic Not So Sure. - David O'Brien, 1994
Catholic Social Teaching
- Implementing the Principles of the 'Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church'
- In Catholic Higher Education - Cardinal Martino, 2008
- Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching - US Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2005
- Ten Building Blocks of Catholic Social Teaching - W. Byron, S.J., 1998
Catholic Identity
- Conversations on Catholic Identity at a Jesuit University: An E-Seminar - Debra Mooney, 2011
- The Role of Presidents Promoting Catholic Identity at Jesuit Universities - Timothy Lannon, S.J.
- The Catholic Identity of Catholic Institutions - Charles Curran
- Catholic Identity: Emerging Consensus - Peter Steinfels, 1995
The Catholic Intellectual Tradition
- The Catholic Intellectual Tradition: A Conversation at Boston College - 2010
- The Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Catholic University - Monika Hellwig, 2000
- What is the Catholic Intellectual Tradition? - Monika Hellwig, 2000
- The Catholic Intellectual Tradition - Margaret Steinfels, 1995
Mission-Conscious Leadership
- Criteria Booklet: HLC Criteria for Accreditation - Criterion 1: Mission, 2013
- A College's Endowment Portfolio Should Match Its Mission - The Chronicle, 2012
- A Model of Mission Leadership - Xavier University Discernment Group II, 2012
- Put the Catholic Jesuit Identity Up Front: Hiring for Mission and Academic Excellence, can
we have it all? - Robert Niehoff, S.J., 2012 - The Past as Prologue: The Future as Promise - Former AJCU president - Charles Currie, S.J., 2011
- Who Are Our Leaders? - Chris Lowney, 2005
Xavier University
- Xavier University Mission and Vision Statements and Supplements - 2012
- Code of Regulations - Article I - Board of Trustees, 2011
- A Brief History of Xavier
- Xavier's Heritage
- Scholars, Saints and Citizen-Servants - Michael Graham, S.J., 2001 Presidential Inaugural Address
- Xavier University Discernment Groups:
- I Final Report, 2009
- II Final Report (Administrators), 2012
- III Final Report (Faculty), 2012
- The Jesuit Resource - Xavier University
- Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education - published semi-annually
- Women Leaders in Jesuit Education (vol 29)
- The Right Man for the Job - Timothy O'Brien, S.J.,
- Leadership as Spiritual Direction - Scott Chadwick
- Real Engagement with Ignatian Spirituality - George Traub, S.J., and Debra Mooney
Featured Resources

Do You Walk Ignatian?
A companion to "Do You Speak Ignatian?," this book includes narratives from faculty and staff regarding their work in relation to key Jesuit values.

Ignatian Journal
This handsome, spiral-bound "undated" planner is perfect for faculty, staff, and students alike. Its pages include quotes, illustrations, and reflections. Use it for your daily schedule or journaling.

The Examen
The Examen, a prayer of awareness that Ignatius of Loyola taught in his Spiritual Exercises, helps one notice God's presence in our daily lives. This modern adaptation invites reflection upon five points for spiritual thanksgiving, grace, and introspection. The 3.5"x2" card fits easily in wallets and purses convenience.
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