Leave of Absence Frequently Asked Questions
What if I am considering a voluntary leave, but I am uncertain?
- Contact the Office of Care and Support Services
- Phone: 513-745-4391 or 513-745-2994
- Email: kneflin@xavier.edu or henkesa@xavier.edu
- Office: Connaton Learning Commons 5th Floor
How do I request a voluntary Leave of Absence?
- Student Handbook Section 3.9 addresses leaves of absence at Xavier.
- Student Handbook Section 3.9.1 will specify how to request a voluntary leave of absence.
Why would I take a voluntary leave of absence?
- Xavier understands at times a student's life circumstances may be challenging to navigate while taking classes. In the spirit of Cura Personalis, Xavier offers resources to support students who may benefit from a temporary pause in coursework to focus on their wellbeing. Xavier’s resources will also assist a student in returning to the University. A student may consider a leave of absence for personal or medical reasons.
- Personal reasons for a leave of absence could include, for example, time away to pursue a personal, professional or volunteer opportunity, or to assist in a family matter at home that requires the student’s attention.
- Medical reasons for a leave of absence may include physical and/or mental health issues.
Will I receive a tuition refund if I take a leave of absence?
The University has a tuition refund schedule and is located on the Bursar’s website at https://www.xavier.edu/tuition-fees/policies/. Not all fees are refundable after classes begin. Refunds for on campus housing are based on the day the student leaves University housing. Meal plan refunds are based on the tuition Refund Schedule on the Bursar’s website at https://www.xavier.edu/tuition-fees/policies/. Any meal plan refund issued in the first through seventh calendar day of the semester will be based on actual usage. If you have additional questions, contact the Bursar’s Office at regarding billing should be directed to the Bursar’s Office at 513-745-3435.
If I have tuition insurance will that impact my tuition refund?
If a student has not opted out of tuition insurance, is leaving for a medical reason, has documentation from a medical provider, submits appropriate documentation to Dewar and receives approval from Dewar for the claim, the student will receive an 85% refund of tuition charges only (fees, room and board are not included). Xavier will also remove the following institutional aid:
- Entrance Merit Scholarship
- Muskie Program Grant
- Enrollment Services Grant
- Magis Award
- Other departmental scholarships such as music and art awards
- Other entrance awards such as Williams, Weninger, and Edgecliff scholarships
This allows preservation of the scholarship(s) for future use. If you have additional questions regarding tuition insurance or impact to Financial Aid, please contact the Bursar’s Office at 513-745-3435 or Student Financial Services at 513-745-3142.
If you need assistance applying for tuition insurance contact Care Management Services or your Academic Dean’s Office.
What if I decide to transfer to another college or university during my leave?
- Contact your academic dean’s office.
- College of Arts and Sciences: 513-745-3101
- College of Business: 513-745-3131
- College of Professional Sciences: 513-745-4351
- College Nursing: 513-745-4392
Can I take classes at another university/college while on my leave? Will I get credit for those classes if I take them?
- To determine the transferability of a class taken at another University, check the Registrar’s website at xureg@xavier.edu, transfer work section. Prior to enrolling in any course, submit an Off-Campus Approval Form for each class, https://www.xavier.edu/registrar/forms/index. If you have questions, contact the Registrar’s Office at 513-745-3941.
What steps are required to return to the University after a leave of absence?
- Student Handbook Section 3.9.6 outlines the process for returning to Xavier after a leave of absence. In addition to this process if you have been away from the University longer than two semesters, you must also complete a reactivation form through the Registrar’s Office. This form should be completed after you go through the process outlined in Section 3.96 of the Student Handbook.
- You can find the link for reactivation if you were an undergraduate student here Reactivation Form – Undergraduate
- You can find the link for reactivation if you were a graduate here Reactivation Form - Graduate
- All prior financial obligations must be settled with the Office of the Bursar prior to reactivation, and the student must be in good standing with the Division of Student Affairs.
What is the difference between a mandatory leave of absence and a voluntary leave of absence?
- Xavier University provides support services and resources for students to address their medical needs, including physical and mental health needs. Even so, there may be occasions when a student experiences health needs outside of the scope and level of care that Xavier can provide. In these circumstances, the student may take a voluntary leave of absence-see section 3.9.1 of the Student Handbook. In situations when a student is unwilling to take a leave of absence and there are fact-based allegations that the student is a threat to self or others, the Dean of Students, or designee, may initiate a process to provide an individualized assessment to determine if a mandatory leave is necessary. See section 3.9.2 of the Student Handbook. The Dean of Students or designee will appoint the Leave of Absence Committee to move forward with the process and decision making as described in Section 3.9.3 of the Student Handbook.
What if I receive notification I am on an interim separation from the University?
- In certain circumstances, the Dean of Students may utilize an interim separation to separate a student pending a process at the University.
- Information about interim separation can be found in Student Handbook Section 3.9.4.
What if I do not agree with the decision made by the Dean of Students related to a leave of absence, conditions of reinstatement, or denial of reinstatement?
- Procedures related to appeals of mandatory leave of absence, conditions to reinstatement or continued enrollment, or denial of reinstatement are located in Section 3.9.7 of the Student Handbook.