Cybersecurity Resources for Students
- Security Awareness for faculty, staff, and students
- CyberSeek: Students can explore Cybersecurity career pathways.
- CyberSecurity career options
- National Security Agency/Central Security Service resources available for students and educators
- NSF tech tools and training for students
- CISA Learn cybersecurity and infrastructure security knowledge and practices
- NIST computer security resource center
- HackersPlanning Learn different types of cyberattacks.
- Girls go Cyber Learn ethical hacking, forensics, and Linux for free
- GenCyber- Free summer camps for teachers and students
- NCyTE Center student Resources (Xavier university is a member of the NCyTE Center)
- Students – Start Your Cybersecurity Career!
- OverTheWire Learn basic Linux command using Wargames
- Immersive Labs Students’ Digital Cyber Academy to learn cyber skills using gamification:
- NICE challenge project: Explore the benefits of a free NICE challenge.
- PicoCTF: sign and play capture the flags games, created by security experts at Carnegie Mellon University.
- VulnHub: Demonstrate information available here: Preconfigured vulnerable virtual machines for students to practice hands-on security, Networking, computer software, and network administration skills.
- Computer forensics using Open Source Linux LEO: Those who are interested in computer forensics can use Linux LEO to find training and free resources.
- Learn Cybersecurity on TryHackMe
- Test your Pentesting skills by using HackTheBox
- Kali Linux distribution used for penetration testing, ethical hacking, and network security assessments
- Parrot OS a security focused GNU/Linux distribution
- PowerShell: Empire Components, Setup, and Basic Exploits
- How to use nmap. gobuster, nikto and Metasplot
- How to setup proxy for OWASP Juice Shop
- How to use Burp-suit Intruder and XSS persistence
- Capture the flag, getting root access - walkthrough of another vulnerable machine
- Try-hack-me walkthrough of getting root access and privilege escalation
- Directory busting and find the flags on a web application-Web application vulnerability
- Nmap and port scanning Demo on Try Hack me
- Ransomware behavior
- Setting up a domain controller and exploiting SMB vulnerability
- This video is a walkthrough of the exploitation of Vulnerable Machine in VulnHub.