Center for Teaching Excellence

Call for Proposals FLC Fall 2025 & Spring 2026

The CTE is soliciting applications to define new Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs). 1 or 2 faculty may propose a topic for FLC to meet for one year beginning in either August 2025 or January 2026.

Download the call for proposals

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 12:00 noon

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FLC Description and Expectations

Facilitator Details and Responsibilities

Funding and Budget (Note: the budget proposal process has been changed)

Submission Instructions

FLC Description and Expectations

An FLC is a cross-disciplinary community of 8-12 members led by 1-2 facilitators that engages in a year-long collaboration to explore a theme or topic related to teaching and learning in higher education. To date, over 250 Xavier faculty have participated in at least one of over 50 FLCs.

  • FLCs meet 10-12 times, guided by key questions and directed towards self-defined results
  • FLCs should be topic-based and not primarily cohort-based
  • FLCs may incorporate a range of activities relevant to exploration of the topic, such as off-campus retreats/visits, seminars, structured reading, and more
  • FLCs should include no more than 2 members from a single academic department

The primary outcomes are individual and/or collective projects completed by the participants, which should be directly relevant to teaching and learning. Participants will present their project results at Xavier and, ideally, in external presentations or publications about teaching.

An FLC is not a committee or task force. FLCs are faculty-initiated and community-oriented; participants agree upon collective and individual goals. No external group issues the FLC a charge or task.

Facilitator Details and Responsibilities

In addition to defining the topic of the FLC, facilitators support the FLC by sharing their own teaching experience, providing leadership, building community, encouraging creativity, and fostering an environment of open communication and collaboration. In preparation for this, facilitators are expected to attend a half-day orientation before the start of the FLC.

Funding and Budget

NEW: The FLC budget process has changed. Please read carefully and refer to the FLC Budget Guidelines for more information. 

FLC budgets will be proposed and approved after the topic has been selected and the learning community has been formed via a call for participants. An FLC can request funds for relevant expenses, which may include up to $500 for professional development funds for non-facilitator members, off-campus visits/retreats, visiting speakers, etc., up to $7,500. All FLC members will have input on the budget, and the final budget proposal should be the consensus of the group.

Facilitator funds are not part of the group budget. Facilitators can receive either professional development funds or a stipend.

  • Professional Development Funds: Co-facilitators will receive $1,500 each in funding; a sole facilitator will receive $2,000. Professional development funds are not stipends but can be used for expenses such as travel, books, technology, equipment, student assistance, etc.
  • Stipend: Co-facilitators will receive $1,250 each, while a sole facilitator will receive $1,700. Stipend amounts differ from professional development funding amounts to account for the cost of salary-dependent benefits.

Submission Instructions

All full-time teaching faculty from all disciplines are eligible to apply. A librarian or staff may submit a proposal in conjunction with a principal faculty member. Applicants must submit proposals following the format outlined below.

Please email the following to by the due date:

  1. An application in the format outlined below;
  2. Curriculum vitae for each facilitator (abbreviated, no more than three pages);
  3. A brief letter from each facilitator's department chair or supervisor, which addresses the facilitator’s availability and qualifications, including background in the topic, organizational skills, and experience facilitating colleagues (email format is acceptable).

Applicants should cc their Department Chair and Dean when submitting the application; acknowledgment of receipt of the application will be sent by e-mail.

The CTE Faculty Advisory Committee will review applications and select the FLCs. Selections will be announced in April.

APPLICATION FORMAT—not to exceed 5 pages; Word or Pdf

Cover Page (titled: "Faculty Learning Community Application"):

  1. Name(s) of facilitator(s)
  2. Rank(s)
  3. Department(s)
  4. Title of proposed FLC
  5. Proposed start of FLC (August 2025 or January 2026)
  6. Abstract (150 words or less)

Please address all of the following.

Project Description

  1. Description of the FLC topic, including key questions that will guide the community.
  2. Rationale for topic, including relevancy to teaching and learning at Xavier/within higher ed.
  3. Possible individual and collective projects resulting from the FLC, including potential for impact on student instruction.
  4. Tentative schedule of topics, readings, and activities, including possible retreats or guest speakers.

Membership Parameters

  1. Will the FLC be limited to certain types of faculty (tenured, tenure-track, etc.)? Open to staff?
  2. Is there evidence of faculty interest in this topic? Describe any relevant evidence here, including names of faculty who have expressed an interest in participating.
  3. Do you have thoughts on strategies for recruiting members to your FLC?

Facilitator(s) Qualifications

  1. Do you have experience facilitating groups comparable to this one?
  2. What is your experience with this topic?

NOTE: Budget proposals will be submitted after the topic has been selected and the group has formed. If funds are needed immediately (e.g. for a kick-off event to begin the FLC), budget proposals can be submitted early. See details in the FLC budget guidelines.