Cintas Institute for Business Ethics

Cintas Undergraduate Ethics Fellows

The Cintas Undergraduate Ethics Fellowship (CUEF) was established to help WCB undergraduate students enhance their exposure to Ethical Leadership. Applicants must be full time Juniors or Seniors enrolled in a major within the Williams College of Business, have at least 15 credit hours of WCB classes taken at Xavier, and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

During the course of the Fellowship, CUEFs will be expected to attend ethics related events sponsored by the Cintas Institute for Business Ethics, as well as create a museum quality creative expression focusing on Ethical Leadership.  CUEFs may complete the creative expression themselves, or there is a modest stipend to hire and work with an artist.

Upon the completion of the CUEF, Fellows will receive a scholarship of $3,000 entered into the student's bursar's account, on or about May 1 of the Fellowship year.

CUEFs are not required, but are strongly encouraged to be one of the select few undergraduate students to participate in International Ethics in London and Paris - BUAD481 - taught during spring break of their Fellowship year.  In 2025, the projected expenses are $4,700 which includes tuition for this three (3) credit hour course, double occupancy hotel, Eurostar train, some meals and several excursions.  Airfare is not included in this estimate.

Click here to download the application to be considered for a CUEF.  students/2025-2026-cintas-undergraduate-ethics-fellowship-description-and-application_pef-notes-v.9.3.24-5.doc