Care and Support Services

Identity-Based Resources

Asian and Pacific Islander Identities:

  • Asian & American Students in Action (ASIA) wishes to build a community, build connections between each other, and exchange knowledge about different cultures, traditions, and customs through events and discussions. By building relationships with both the on-campus and off-campus communities, ASIA creates a support system for students that will serve as a lobbying voice for their political, cultural, and social interests and needs through solidarity.
  • Center for International Education (CIE)
  • The THRIVE Center
  • Citizens of the World (Student Organization)


Black and African American Identities:

  • African Student Association (ASA) strives to eliminate the stereotypes of Africa by exhibiting its diversity and civilization through lectures, cultural displays and social gatherings. It seeks to promote an ongoing interaction among Africans, African Americans and the Xavier community.
  • Black Student Association (BSA) promotes the interests of the Black students of Xavier University, advocates their rights and privileges, and to teaches the Xavier community and the public as a whole the significance of African-American culture.
  • Gentleman Organized for Achievement and Leadership (GOAL) promotes, takes action for and educates African-American males and the surrounding communities in the areas of academics, finance, spirituality, culture and progressive professionalism.


First Gen Identities:


LatinX identity:

  • Hispanic Organization for Latinx Awareness (HOLA) exist not only to educate the Xavier community on both Hispanic and Latina/o/x issues but to encourage said community to participate within the organization with the intentions of including everyone. This organization attempts to build and maintain awareness of Latinx family, culture, language, traditions/customs, history and religion. This club does not have selective membership; anyone (even non-Latinos and non-Hispanics) can join.


Multi-Racial Identities:

  • Ladies with an Emphasis on Achievement and Distinction (LEAD) is an organization that seeks to foster relationships among women of color that transcends racial, international, physical and social barriers to help individuals develop and maintain constructive relationships.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual Identities:

  • The Xavier LGBTQ+ Alliance is established to provide a safe place for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities to meet, offer opportunities to learn, teach and discuss the joys and challenges surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity within the Jesuit teachings of being people for others.
  • Queeries is a space for students who self-identify as LGBTQ+ to engage in dialogue about issues that affect the community. For more information about Queeries, contact Maria Merrill.
  • All-Gender Restrooms
  • Preferred/Chosen Name Form
  • Pronoun Resources
  • Off-Campus Resources


Religious and Spiritual Identities: