Business Analytics & Information Systems Program (BAIS)

Information Systems Minor

To meet the demands of the 21st century, students must be able to use information technologies effectively. The information system (BAIS) minor introduces students to the study of computer principles and techniques as they apply to a wide variety of businesses and organizations. The minor provides students with a working knowledge of computer technologies to support the management and use of management information systems, with a focus on the use of technology to support the decision making process. Because of its broad appeal, the minor in information technology is an excellent complement to any degree program, regardless of major.

Required Courses

  • BAIS 211 - Intro to Business Analytics (WCB Core Course) or MATH 256 or MATH 116
  • BAIS 220 - Management of Information Technology (WCB Core Course) or CSCI 170
  • BAIS 358 - Data Modeling & Management
  • BAIS 360 - Intro to App Development
  • BAIS 389 - Data Visualization
  • 2 Information Systems Electives

A 2.00 cumulative average must be attained in these courses.

More Information

To learn more about the minor, contact:

Dr. Greg Smith

To declare the business analytics minor, visit:

Undergraduate Office
Williams College of Business
Smith Hall, Room 120A
Phone 513 745-3131