At the Connection Center
Research Help: Call 513-745-4808, Email
How do I find the full text of an article?
Check the Electronic Journal Locator: Type in the name of the journal to see if we have it full text.
How do I cite something in APA , MLA etc. format?
Here are some web sites that will help you with different citation styles:
How do I find if Xavier owns a book, journal, video or DVD if I have the title?
XPLORE our online catalog lists all videos and DVDs that we have in our collection.
How do I find a video or DVD on a particular topic?
Do a keyword search in XPLORE on your topic. You can limit your search using the Record Type drop down box and choosing PROJ MEDIUM will retrieve both videos and DVDs.
What is the best database to search to find articles on my topic?
Go to the database guides by subject use the drop down menu to select a Subject/Program.
I am a new student and would like to make an appointment with a librarian to help me with my research.
Each academic department has a library liaison. Find your liaison's contact information in this list by department:
How do I find peer reviewed/scholarly/refereed articles?
Contact the librarian at the Research Help Desk or the librarian liaison for your academic department.
How do I view Netlibrary ebooks?
How do I listen to Netlibrary audiobooks?
What is a scholarly journal?
How do I request OhioLINK materials?
How do I find the full text of an article?
How do I search for DVDs and videos on a topic?