Help Desk

Phishing Attempt

Phishing Attempt Blocked

You have reached this page because you have clicked on a known ?phishing? link received in an email. You were possibly about to give your account information to a hacker who had intentions of compromising your account or infecting your system with malware. Do NOT click on these links in the future. Information Technologies personnel will NEVER ask for your network password or personal information via an email.

What has happened:

We have seen an increase in the number of incoming emails that attempt to acquire personal information and passwords. These are called phishing emails. When a university employee is successfully scammed by a phishing attempt, it can put the whole university at risk, jeopardizing both private and university information. A successful phishing attempt can result in reputation damage for the university. Many organizations? spam filtering technologies keep track of email account activity to determine whether emails have trustworthy points of origin. As a result, a spammer?s use of Xavier email accounts could result in Xavier's IP addresses or domain blacklisted as a spammer or otherwise identified as untrustworthy. Another result is that legitimate emails from the university, many of which are essential to daily operations, will be blocked by recipients? spam filters.

What to do:

If you receive a phishing attempt in your inbox or quarantine folder, please delete that email immediately.

Next Steps:

If you have any doubt about whether an email is legitimate, please forward the suspect email to We will review the message and respond to you in a timely manner.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.