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Sasha Hart


Sasha Hart holds a B.S degree in dance performance from Indiana University. She also holds a dance pedagogy degree from the Hochscule fur Musik, making her a certified instructor for children through adults. She has studied dance at Butler University, Pennsylvania Ballet, The Joffrey School under Robert Joffrey and The School of American Ballet under George Balanchine and performed in many ballets including The Nutcracker, Giselle, Petrouchka, and Graduation Ball. She danced professionally with The Bavarian State Theater in Munich and The Augsburg State Theater also performing in numerous classical and modem ballets including Coppelia, Don Quixote, Cinderella, Abraxus, Undine as well as over fifty operas and operettas.

Her teaching experience includes heading her own dance department at The Country School in North Hollywood, California, teaching at the Pasadena Civic Ballet Center, The Assistance League of Southern California, and The Hochscule fur Musik in Munich, Germany. Locally she teaches ballet at her own school, The Sasha Hart School of Ballet as well as Xavier University, Uptown Arts, and the Otto M. Budig Academy of Cincinnati Ballet.