Student Orientation

When You Arrive

Traffic Flow

When first arriving to campus, please follow the directions to your specific residence hall found below. Manresa staff will be there to give you directions and manage car lines. A driver will need to stay with the vehicle at all times in order to keep the lines moving. You should be ready to check-in a verify a few things before the Move Crew unloads your belongings.

Move Crew's Help

During the Full First Year Move-In, Move Crew will help you move your belongings up to your room. Ready with carts and Xavier spirit, we can't wait to help you through the move-in process! We will transport your belongings to your room. A driver is required to stay with your vehicle while we transport your items.  The driver will park the vehicle in the Cohen Lot and can then join you in your room to unpack and get settled. 


After you have moved in, you will check-in for Manresa inside the main entrance of the Cintas Center.  After check-in, you are free to unpack, decorate your room, or just relax before meeting your small group, which will happen on the Xavier Yard. The nametag you will receive during the Manresa Check-In will provide you with more detailed instructions.


Contact Manresa through email at or call (513) 745-3662. Our friendly Manresa Core members will provide answers to all questions regarding Move In.