The mission of the Stephen S. Smith Center in the Williams College of Business at Xavier University is to promote learning, scholarship, and debate about fundamental questions and ideas that impact society. The Center uses an interdisciplinary approach to examine such questions, emphasizing the study of economics and its relationship to law, political philosophy, and history.
Academic Program
The Smith Scholars Program is a Williams College of Business (WCB) undergraduate, cohort honors program. The program provides a challenging and comprehensive learning opportunity for students who want to pursue a business major that is enriched by an in-depth study of the liberal arts. Graduates of the program will become leaders of organizations, academicians, and professionals in a world that is increasingly diverse and complex.
Research and Scholarship
The Smith Center supports scholarship and research that contributes to the intellectual capital on a breadth of interdisciplinary topics impacting society, such as: freedom and individualism, the rule of law, capitalism and collectivism, economic policy, and global economic issues.
The Smith Center supports and promotes debate and dialogue. The Center hosts speaker forums, symposiums, and roundtable discussions to engage both the Xavier University community and the public in an objective examination of economic and social issues impacting society.