Senate Committees
Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs explores topics related to students' academics, such as issues that impact the educational experience of the student body or issues related to enrollment and retention. For more information, contact the committee chair: Kathryn Cohen
Campus On and Off Living (COOL)
COOL, serves as a liaison for students who live on and off-campus and explores topics concerning these students, such as parking issues, safety in the surrounding neighborhoods, and working with commuter students. They also explore issues related to students living on campus, such as sustainability initiatives, dining services, and residence life. For more information, contact the committee chair: Emma Rehse
Student Organizations (SOC)
Student Organizations Committee is responsible for granting recognition to new student clubs, University Affiliated Organizations and subordinate bodies as well as allocating funding to these organizations through a request process each spring. For more information, contact the committee chair: Audrey Elwood
Student Rights and Identity (SRI)
Student Rights and Identity explores topics related to the protection and promotion of student rights and diversity at Xavier, particularly aimed to support those who have been marginalized. For more information, contact the committee chair: Kelly Witwer