School of Psychology

Student Organizations- Psychology

Psi Chi

The Xavier chapter of Psi Chi, a national honor society in psychology, offers membership to qualified undergraduate juniors and seniors. Psi Chi partners with Psychology Club to plan and host scholarly programs and social events during the academic year. More information about Psi Chi, including the requirements for membership. Learn more about the Psi Chi club by signing up on EngageXU

Psychology Club

Psychology Club is open to any undergraduate students interested in exploring aspects of psychology. To become a member, students simply attend the scholarly programs and social events planned and hosted by the Psi Chi/Psychology Club Executive Board. Psychology Club is also a source of information for students about jobs and volunteer experiences in the field of psychology.

Students can keep up to date with Psi Chi/Psychology Club events, news, and job and volunteer opportunities by "liking" the Psi Chi/Psychology Club- XU Chapter Facebook page or joining the Psi Chi/Psychology Club Orgsync page Visit Xavier University's organization portal on OrgSync here For more information about Psi Chi or Psychology Club, contact the President, senior psychology major Olivia Tore ( or the faculty advisors Dr. Anne Fuller ( and Dr. Leann Caudill ( 

Psychology majors may participate in the full range of extracurricular activities at Xavier.

Xavier Psychology Association of Graduate Students (XPAGS)

XPAGS is a student operated organization for psychology graduate students of Xavier University. Its goals include the following:

  • Involve psychology graduate students in networking to professional psychology associations
  • Encourage advocacy for professional and social justice issues
  • Raise monies to fund research, travel, and recruitment of graduate students
  • Encourage awareness of multi-cultural affairs on Xavier's campus as well as local, regional, and national levels
  • Enhance the social relationship among graduate students, faculty, and staff

The Psychology Diversity Advisory Committee (PsyDAC)

In support of the School of Psychology's mission and diversity statement, the efforts of the Diversity Advisory Committee (PsyDAC) aim to: assess the climate of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within the School of Psychology; act as a resource to promote and disseminate information and resources related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; advise and make recommendations to the School of Psychology related to issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.  This committee is comprised of faculty, staff, and graduate students.  There are currently three faculty members and 16 graduate students on the committee. For more information, contact Jen Gibson (