Dr. Kathleen Hart
Chair, Professor, School of Psychology
- PhD from Virginia Tech
- Board Certified Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
- Examiner for the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
- Reviewer for Journal of Child Psychopathology
- Member of the Board of the American Board of Professional Psychology Foundation
Classes regularly taught:
- Brain and Behavior (UG)
- Psychology and Law (UG)
- Assessment III: Cognitive (Grad)
- Child and Adolescent Assessment (Grad)
- Forensic Psychology (Grad)
- Supervisor of assessment at PSC (grad)
Research interests
- Competence to Stand Trial in Juvenile Court
- Amenability for Rehabilitation/Transfer to Adult Court
- Factors related to false confession
- Malingering/Inconsistent test performance
Representative publications, mentored presentations, and/or dissertations chaired
Recent publications:
Thomas, P., & Hart, K.J. (in press). Third-party perceptions of intimate partner violence victimization in men. Psychology of Men and Masculinities.
Upcoming/Recent presentations:
Lukas, H., Hart, K.J., Miselem, N., Wolen, R., & Koeller, L. (2022, November 17-19). The utility of the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) in the evaluation of college students referred for ADHD/LD evaluations: Implications for cut-off scores and trial administration. [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Association of Behavior and Cognitive Therapies. New York City, NY.
Abrams, M., Hart, K.J., Bassil, N., & Koeller, L. (2022, March 17-19). The role of race in perceptions of interrogations and confessions. [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society. Denver, CO.
Hart, K.J., Wolen, R., May, P., & Gaskell, M. (2021, November). Revising the Inventory of Legal Knowledge (ILK) to improve detection of honest responders with neurological impairment. [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Association of Behavior and Cognitive Therapies. (virtual meeting)
Child Clinical Neuropsychology/Forensic Assessment
Professional Interests
Research Interests: Evaluation of Juveniles, Legal Abilities, Malingering of Cognitive Disorders and Legal Abilities, Personality Characteristics of Juvenile delinquents
- Ph.D. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute)