Psychological Services Center

What's New

Photo of the Queen City


Xavier University received grant funding to address the mental health needs of Xavier University students.  With this funding and the start of the spring 2021 semester, four additional student therapists have been added and have begun providing services. 

In Psychology

What's New in Mental Health

Self Help Information

Are You Feeling Stressed Out?

Stress is a part of our every day life. For instance...

  • Have your ever been driving home from the store, and someone cut you off, almost making you hit the curb??? OR
  • Have you ever waited until the last minute to study for the French exam you have the next morning at 8:30 a.m. and it's already after midnight OR
  • Has your boy/girlfriend of 10 months just told you "We should start seeing other people"

If one, two or all of these scenarios sounds familiar, you are not alone. Stress affects us in many different ways. First, stress can begin to take an emotional toll. Some people who experience stress, experience severe symptoms and may begin to feel depressed or anxious all the time. Also, stress causes physical changes in our body such as increased heart rate and blood pressure. These physical changes are natural responses, but if our minds and bodies begin to experience chronic stress, our health and well-being can be threatened.

Did You Know?

  • 75%-90% of visits to physicians are stress related
  • Job stress is a major health factor costing businesses an estimated $150 billion annually
  • Stress related disorders are a major cause of rapidly increasing health care costs

How Do I Know If I'm Too Stressed?

The National Mental Health Association came up with the following list of questions to ask yourself. If you answer yes to most of the following questions, you may want to consider some interventions to help alleviate stress.

  1. Do minor problems and disappointments upset you excessively?
  2. Do the small pleasures in life fail to satisfy you?
  3. Are you unable to stop thinking of your worries?
  4. Do you feel inadequate or suffer from self-doubt?
  5. Are you constantly tired?
  6. Do you experience flashes of anger over situations which used to not bother you?
  7. Have you noticed a change in sleeping or eating patterns?
  8. Do you suffer from chronic pain, headaches, or back aches?

How Did You Do?

If you said YES to most of the questions, consider the following suggestions:

  • Meditate - just a few quiet minutes during the day can make a world of difference.
  • Exercise - not only can exercise be fun, it is also quite healthy for the body and the mind.
  • Eat Healthy Foods - stop driving through that drive-thru window every day. Take a few minutes in the morning or at night to pack a more healthy lunch.
  • Keep a Journal - some people really enjoy writing down their thoughts at the end of a stressful day. Or, you may find it helpful to begin your day by writing a journal entry that centers around beginning another day that holds endless possibilities.
  • Practice Being Flexible - If you find you are meeting an overwhelming amount of opposition in your academic, professional or personal life, it may be time to rethink your position or strategy. If you find yourself arguing with others until you are "blue in the face", it may be time to take a look at the world from a different framework. If you can make allowances for other people's opinions or perspectives, you may be amazed at how much calmer you can become.
  • Practice Deep Breathing - when you get caught in a stressful situation, instead of reacting immediately, take a few quiet moments to relax and breath deeply. Breath in through your nose, counting to 10 and exhale through your mouth. You might want to close your eyes for an added calming effect.
  • Know When to Ask for Help - some things you may not be able to handle on your own. Attempt to recognize when you are too stressed out. When you are feeling vulnerable, you can turn to a friend, coworker or relative. You may also want to talk to a professional as therapists are specially trained to help people through difficult life situations. If you think you might want to talk with someone who can help, you can call the Psychological Services Center at 745-3531.