5.1 Introduction To Procedures

The Xavier University Harassment Code and Accountability Procedures reflect the commitment to maintain a community that is free from harassment of any kind. Xavier has designed procedures for prompt internal resolution of harassment complaints that arise within the University Community. The University expects that the use of these procedures will facilitate and promote resolution of such complaints.

A member of the Xavier University Community who believes that they have been harassed in violation of this HCAP is encouraged to take action in any of the following ways provided for in these Procedures.

Some forms of harassment may violate federal and state laws, and a Reporting Party may choose to invoke external processes to resolve their grievances instead of or in addition to pursuing the procedures set forth herein. Such individuals may contact the appropriate state or local agency, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Ohio Civil Rights Commission or the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights. Reporting parties should note that there are statutes of limitation for seeking remedies within these external processes.

Xavier will initiate or continue with any internal processes under this HCAP without regard to external processes, unless otherwise instructed by University Counsel.