Music Series

Dave King and Happy Apple With opening act Eric Wurzelbacher

Coming January 21, 2025

Artist Website Admission is free

For over 25 years, the Minneapolis based collective, Happy Apple, has delivered its own enigmatic vision of jazz and improvised music to an adoring cognoscenti of listeners. Though they’ve found favor from the jazz community at large, the trio of saxophonist Michael Lewis, bassist Erik Fratzke, and drummer Dave King remains a band of outsiders, three independent personalities with eclectic tastes and styles providing music with an obtuse Midwestern charm. 

Mostly known for their electric live performances, Happy Apple has been a hard beast to capture on record. Though they recorded frequently in the early 2000s, the members admit that much they recorded never truly captured their “real” band sound. So, when Happy Apple decided to record after a long hiatus, they decided to get it right. “New York CD” is the recording that the band agrees finally captures the essence of Happy Apple.

Happy Apple came together during the mid-1990s as an outlet for Lewis, Fratzke, and King’s experiments with improvisation and composition. The group amassed a book of nearly 150 pieces, most of which were never recorded. During the early 2000s, the group found themselves in position to document their music. The typical challenges of recording led to strong, respected albums but albums that the group never truly felt captured their spirit.

Nearly a decade after their last studio effort, Happy Apple Back on Top (Sunnyside, 2008), Happy Apple ramped up their activity with increased performances while members were available. Each band member leads a busy musical life: King has been a member of many well-known bands, most notably with the Bad Plus and Halloween, Alaska; Lewis’s time has been mainly spent in Bon Iver’s touring band; and Fratzke was a member of prog band Zebulon Pike. The increase of Happy Apple performances led the band back to the studio to capture their reignited energy.

The music from “New York CD” comes from two recording sessions a few years apart. The initial return to the studio was held at Justin Vernon of Bon Iver’s April Base Recording Studio in Wisconsin. The group later returned to their regular recording studio, The Terrarium in Minneapolis, to complete the album. The music they recorded included pieces that had been regular parts of their sets for 20 years along with brand new compositions, written especially for the recording sessions. Most of the pieces were done in first takes and without overdubs.

With opening act Eric Wurzelbacher

Eric Wurzelbacher's Meditations is an unreleased project that has been in the works for the past couple of years. A few singles have been released (one from a live show) intermittently between two cover albums, but only recently has it been decided to make it a full concept for an album. It's like a little blinking light that has popped up and then gone away for months at a time between life happening... Perhaps at this time of reflection and renewal of a new calendar year, it has allowed it to come to life. Meditations is a collection of thoughts and reflections that are constantly present below the facade. They are simultaneously the easiest thoughts to overlook and the most important (sometimes frightening) to explore and face."