Mission and Identity

Fr. Michael J. Graham, S.J. Legacy Labyrinth

Honoring Xavier’s 34th president, this permanent outdoor labyrinth is a spiritual tool for finding God in daily life, the hallmark of Ignatian Spirituality.Use the guideThe 5 P’s for Praying the Pathfor walking this ancient form of prayer.For more information on the outdoor labyrinth read this article.

Quick Facts        Labyrinth    Student walking on the Outdoor Labyrinth

Completed: Spring Semester 2023
Location: Off a walking path between Dana Ave. and Musketeer Dr. that is west of the HUB/Recreation Center and east of the Smith Hall parking lot and the University Commons.
Type: Classical, 7 circuit
Stone/native plants
Size: 60'-0" in diameter
Designer: MKSK Landscape Architects
Landscaping: Allison Landscape
Inscription on the entering plaque:

                                                   As the longest serving president in Xavier history,                                                Fr. Graham’s vision expressed that, “Xavier men and                                                 women become people of learning and reflection,                                                integrity and achievement, in solidarity for and with                                                   others.” This Labyrinth offers an invitation to all                                                  members of the community to reflect and discern                                                 their own path, always asking “Where is the more                                                                            universal good?” 



                  Labyrinth 1                                Labyrinth 2