Board Meeting Prayer
Prayers Offered at the Meetings of
Xavier's Board of Trustees
- Autumn Months
- Opening a Board Retreat
- A Welcome For New Trustees
- Covid Theology of the Body Remix
- Inspired by the Universal Apostolic Preferences
- A Coronavirus Prayer
- What I've Experienced Over the Last Year
- Thank You For This Day
- Prayer for Gratitude
- Today's Accomplishment
- This Holiday Time
- Calling Us Together
- Lord, Lord, Open Unto Me
- Leading in Our Lives
- Our Unseen Work
- Thanks and Gratitude
- Let Us Pray for the Xavier Community
- Honoring Our Unity
- As We Make Decisions
- Reflecting on the New Year
- May Today There be Peace Within
- The Fast Life
- We Seek You
- Journey to the Frontiers of Education
- Inspire Us
- We Gather in Gratitude
- St. Ignatius' Prayer for Generosity
- Strengthen Us
- We Thank You
- Let All We do be Done Through You
- The Gift of Life
- Be with Us
- Let it be You
- Let Us Pray
- Patience
- Give Us...Bless our Work
- Through Faith and Hope
- Opening Prayer for the Meeting of Xavier's Jesuit Identity
- Fasting During the Lenten Season
- Thank You for This Evening
See Also
Autumn Months
As we prepare to enter the Fall season, let us talk a moment to reflect on the bountiful graces God has provided us.
O God of Creation, you have blessed us with the changing of the seasons. As we welcome the autumn months, may the earlier setting of the sun remind us to take time to rest. May the brilliant colors of the leaves remind us of the wonder of your creation. May the steam of our breath in the cool air remind us that it is you who give us the breath of life. May the harvest from the fields remind us of the abundance we have been given and bounty we are to share with others. May the dying of summer's spirit remind us of your great promise that death is temporary and life is eternal. We praise you for your goodness forever and ever.
Adapted and offered by Paul Verst, original author unknown
Opening a Board Retreat
Let us pray, Good and Loving God, our source of love, light, and wisdom. Bless us as we begin this vital strategic work on behalf of Xavier’s students. It is our privilege and our responsibility to support, foster, and advance the mission of Xavier University.
Give us foresight, by which we plan for the future, Give us confidence to discover and explore new possibilities, Give us wisdom to discern what is right and good and just,
Send your creative spirit upon us. We ask for your guidance and grace, To use our talents for the advancement of the University.
We ask this in your Holy Name.
Adapted and offered by John Maydonovitch
A Welcome For New Trustees
Thank You for every seat that has been filled here, today. For each mind and heart that fills the presence of this room, we thank You. Only You truly know what we are setting out to accomplish today. We have an idea, a vision, hints, and daily instructions. We have talents, abilities, and time to work. However, only You can see in perfect detail the end of every beginning. Every project, every season, every life. Nothing is ever in vain, for even mistakes and missteps are used for good. Help us to listen, before speaking. Help us to fully understand. Help us to value and appreciate the ones we are about to meet.
We pause to give thanks for the blessings of this meal. May the food and our conversation celebrate God's goodness and inspire us to greater service. We thank You, Lord, for gathering us here to share this day and this meal. We are grateful for time with colleagues, for fond memories and the food that has been prepared for us. Keep us mindful of those less fortunate than we and creative in ways to share Your love. Bless us, these gifts and fill us with gratitude and love as we celebrate in Your name. Amen.
Written and offered by Ivy Banks, J.D.
Aug. 2022
Covid Theology of the Body Remix
Dear Risen Lord,
Today we pray You unmask the gift that is manifest in every life.
Let us celebrate the joy of being children of God and the dignity of each Unique and Unrepeatable life made in his image and likeness.
Inject in us the humbleness to know we are loved by you beyond measure.
Infect us with the passion and courage to share God’s love with everyone around us.
We pray for immunity to evil; especially to hate , prejudice, negativity and despair.
Help us use our gifts to be a part of your mission.
Let us be superspreaders of love.
Written and offered by Tim Reillly
Inspired by the Universal Apostolic Preferences
I wanted to start with a very brief capture of why Xavier is so important to me as a person of the Islamic faith. One of my first memories as a child growing up in Lahore, Pakistan was a beautiful catholic family where the father was a colleague with my dad at the major university there having completed their PhDs together at Indiana University. Those deep seeded fond memories have been reinforced by seeing more closely the work and the values of the Jesuits. Though it was with much reflection, it was without hesitation that both of our boys with full blessings chose to go to St. Xavier high school to be for and with men for others. Knowing Father Graham, working with the Brueggeman Center and getting to know a number of people at Xavier has only reinforced the connection of common values and much of my desired mission in life. In trying to summarize the connection of these common values and desired work with my faith of Islam, I had to look no further than the universal apostolic preferences for the next decade at Xavier.
I begin this prayer in the name of God the most merciful, the most beneficient-
Oh dear God
As we at Xavier strive "To show the way to God through spiritual exercise and discernment", I am reminded of my favorite saying of the prophet Muhammad.
God says:
"I am just as My servant thinks I am, and I am with him if He remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I too remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than them; and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running."
As we at Xavier are asked "To walk with the poor, the outcast of the world, those whose dignity has been violated in a mission of reconciliation and justice."
Let us remember what we have and who we are due to God's blessings and mercy.
Let us remember that it is our obligation to serve those in need as they may be more loved by God than us.
In Chapter 4 of the Quran titled Women we are told "O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against yourself, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both."
Oh Dear God,
As Xavier ambassadors we strive "To accompany young people in the creation of a hope-filled future."
Let us remember that we were once young and relied on the love, compassion and support of those older to lift us up, give us hope and show us a path to a brighter future. God reminds us not to be empty vessels of prayer and chapter 107 of the Quran says:
"Have you considered him who denies the religion?
It is he who mistreats the orphan.
And does not encourage the feeding of the poor.
So woe to those who pray.
Those who are heedless of their prayers.
Those who put on the appearance.
And without the assistance."
Our Gracious God,
We see many signs that compel us "To collaborate in the care of our common home"
Let us remember that God created nature in a balance ("al-mizan") and mankind's responsibility is to maintain this fragile equilibrium through wise governance and sound personal conduct.
The Quran also describes the believing men and women as those who "walk on Earth in humility." (Q 25:63)
Let us remember that even the Earth has inalienable rights endowed by its Creator.
In closing, let us remember those loved ones that have passes too quickly for even the short time on this Earth.
We in Islam say "inna lilla wainna illaihi rajaioon", "From God they came and until God they return!"
Let us remember, our dear colleague Jodi Allan, to those innocent people that tragically died at the hands of those who are charged to protect them and the 500,000 lives (grandfathers, grandmothers, parents, children, daughter, sons and friends) that perished during this year of an unprecedented pandemic. May God have his just mercy on all of them.
May we remember their legacy by seeking God's guidance and striving to create a better world for not just our children but all of our children to come.
Authored and presented by Ms. Shakila Ahmad, 2/25/21
A Coronavirus Prayer
Loving God, Your desire is for our wholeness and well being.
We hold in tenderness and prayer the collective suffering of our world at this time.
We grieve precious lives lost and vulnerable lives threatened.
We ache for ourselves and our neighbors, standing before an uncertain future.
We pray: may love, not fear, go viral.
Inspire our leaders to discern and choose wisely, aligned with the common good.
Help us to practice social distancing and reveal to us new and creative ways to come together in spirit and in solidarity.
Call us to profound trust in your faithful presence,
You, the God who does not abandon.
Offered by Mike McCaw
What I've Experienced Over the Last Year
Dear God - What I have experienced over the last year has challenged my strength - physically, emotionally and spiritually - it had my questioning “why me?”, it had me asking what the hell? - am I allowed to use hell in a prayer - oh well... I guess I just did - but what I’ve learned from it is amazing.
Most importantly what I’ve learned is that people - many, many, many, many people - are really, really, good. My family was there for me in ways I never thought I’d need. My love for them has grown deeper than I ever thought was possible. I learned I married the right guy and that he really meant in sickness and in health. I learned there is nothing better in life than having 4 sisters to surround you with love when you need it.
And then there were the many friends and colleagues including many in this room - friends I hadn’t talked to in 30 years and friends that I talk to every week - they found ways through their notes, their texts, their phone calls, their visits to make me laugh, cry, make fun of myself, and realize how truly blessed I am - and most importantly to remind me that people are good - really .. really good ...they care, they love, they support, they help.
I’m not usually one who has asked for a lot of help in my life - I thought I had it mostly figured out. I was tough, I was strong. So, my second big learning has been learning how to let go and ask for help - especially from you God – it is profound. It’s changed my life and the way I think about things, the way I think about life. We are meant to ask for help. We are meant to give help. It’s not a weakness, it’s a strength.
I also learned that prayers work. I’m so thankful for all the people who have said prayers for me ... many that I don’t even know! It’s amazing how many people are willing to put you on their prayer list. Even now that I’m better people still say... well I’m still saying prayers for you. And I’m sooooo appreciative. There is something really cool about prayer power
I’m not going to lie - the last year has been scary - it’s still scary - and if you believe the internet - which no one sick should ever rely on - the odds aren’t great. I’m a very objective, data based practical person. You can’t deny the facts.......the odds aren’t great. But God...I believe more than I’ve ever believed before... that you have a plan. And so I surrender myself to you. I will follow your will. I will put all my energy into how to make this a great thing - for me, for my family, for my friends, for my colleagues - and frankly ... to anyone that will listen. I promise to love every day…every minute. I promise to be grateful for the people I’ve met, the experiences I’ve had, the beautiful places I’ve gotten to witness. Every day is a day to be lived to the fullest! To love, to laugh, to care, to give, to be thankful and to praise you God!
And so, while it’s very easy from afar to think that’s what happened to me is a bad thing - I like to think of it as the best thing, the very best thing ...that has ever happened to me. What I’ve learned about myself, about others and mostly about you, God - is simply ...the very best.
So during this advent season let us all remember that people are good, really, really good. Let us remember that the love and caring we give others matters so much more than we realize …so give more. Let us remember that prayers work. Say more. Let us show gratitude. Gratitude is a gift. Let us realize that we all have things in our lives that are scary – look to God for strength and comfort. And let us thank God for every minute of every day that we get to live life! AMEN!
Written and Offered by Jodi Allen
Thank You For This Day
Good and Gracious God,
We thank you for this time and for this beautiful day in Cincinnati,
We ask you to bless us with your spirit of wisdom as we discuss our strengths and our weaknesses here at Xavier,
Help us as Trustees to always keep in mind our Jesuit and Catholic mission,
and illuminate us with the spirit of Ignatius,
Help us as we truly find God in all things,
celebrate our diversity despite our differences,
and boldly steward Xavier toward a bright and healthy future.
We pray all of this in the name of the God who created us, who redeems us, and who sanctifies us, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Authored and Offered by Fr. John Thiede, SJ
Prayer for Gratitude
Morning reflection: One of the habits of Jesuit grads that came up yesterday was gratitude so as we quiet ourselves I would like to prayerfully move us into the fourth week of the Exercises. I invite us to close our eyes and put ourselves in God’s presence. ...
In a spirit of gratitude we call to mind something from our time yesterday or this morning that we are grateful for ... a new insight, someone’s reflection, a person who inspires up ... take a few seconds to pray for that moment, person, thing ....what happened to our hearts in this moment of gratitude ... did we give thanks to God for this moment, person, event .. And for those who are able we pray together the Ignatian suscipe prayer ... Take Lord, Receive all of our liberty, our memory, our understanding, our entire will ... Give us only your love, and your grace, that’s enough for us, Dispose of all of our gifts and talents according to your will ... in gratitude, Amen.
Authored and Offered by Fr. John Thiede, SJ
Today's Accomplishment
Thank you for every seat that has been filled here, today. For each mind and heart that fills the presence of this room, we thank You. Only You truly know what we are setting out to accomplish today. We have an idea, a vision, hints, and daily instructions. We have talents, abilities, and time to work. However, only You can see in perfect detail the end of every beginning. Every project, every season, every life. Nothing is ever in vain, for even mistakes and missteps are used for good.
Your righteousness transcends all our efforts and understanding. Forgive us for our pride. The pride that puffs us up and the pride that threatens to unqualify us. Strengthen our confidence in who You have made us to be. Set us free from comparison in order to work together efficiently.
Bless this meeting today, all those present, as well as the lives of those we will encounter afterward. Ready us to make every moment count.
In Jesus' Name,
Offered by Penny K. Pomeranz
This Holiday Time
At this festive holiday time, we pray that You would be with us in all that we do and all that we plan.
And today, we particularly want to ask You to bless the holiday celebrations that we will be participating in.
We pray that Your love shines during this time and that we reflect You in our actions, attitudes and behaviors at the event. Prevent any discord we pray and may we be united together in love and fellowship to Your praise and glory.
-Offered by Jodi Allen
Calling Us Together
Holy God,
We gather here as members of this Board
and we thank you for calling us together.
It is our privilege and our responsibility
to support, foster, and advance
the mission of Xavier University.
We accept this task in total dependence upon you,
for it is you who began this work
you who guide it and will bring it to fulfillment.
Send your creative spirit upon us:
open our hearts to recognize Your presence among us;
open our minds to respond to Your calling.
Enable us to draw upon the wisdom and experience of yesterday
as we respond to the questions and concerns of tomorrow.
Give us freedom to speak the truth boldly and with kindness;
Give us patience to listen openly, without prejudice;
Give us confidence to discover and explore new possibilities;
Give us wisdom to discern what is right and good and just;
Give us courage to participate in your ongoing work of creation.
We call upon the intercession of St. Ignatius to confirm our prayer
and to support our endeavors.
All glory, honor, and praise are yours, Holy God, for all ages.
Offered by John Maydonovitch
Lord, Lord, Open Unto Me
Open unto me, light for my darkness
Open unto me, courage for my fear
Open unto me, hope for my despair
Open unto me, peace for my turmoil
Open unto me, joy for my sorrow
Open unto me, strength for my weakness
Open unto me, wisdom for my confusion
Open unto me, forgiveness for my sins
Open unto me, tenderness for my toughness
Open unto me, love for my hates
Open unto me, Thy Self for myself
Lord, Lord, open unto me!
- Offered by Damon Jones
Leading in Our Lives
We are your beloved.
even in our unfinished state,
you take delight in what we are
and what we will become.
Help us to claim for our own your gentle leading in our lives,
help us to know you are always hoping for more for us
and from us.
Give us the strength and peace of heart
to be filled with your power.
- Offered by Dr. Micheal Fortin
- Author Unknown
Our Unseen Work
Good and Loving God,
We thank you for creating the world in all its beauty.
We thank you for memory, which enables us to build on the experiences of the past;
for imagination, which admits us to a wider world
than we could otherwise know;
and foresight, by which we plan for the future.
Bless this unseen work that we do on behalf of Xavier's many students who,
through their Jesuit education, will strive to make a difference in the world.
We ask this in your name,
- Offered by John Maydonovitch
Thanks and Gratitude
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
In the name of God the most Mericful the Beneficent.
Oh Nourisher and Provider of all things.
We offer our thanks and gratitude for this food, and for those who prepared it.
In a world where so many are hungry, may we eat this food with humble hearts.
We offer our thanks and gratitude for the Xavier community and the opportunity that we all have as students, administration and Trustees to come together for the good of Xavier.
Dear God, may you bless our efforts and help us sit present with one another, mindful of our purpose.
Bismillahi'wa' ala Barakatillah In the name of God and with the blessings of God, Let's begin.
- Tamara Mahmoud '17 offered at the Trustee Dinner with Students
Let Us Pray for the Xavier Community
Dear Lord,
As we look to a world that sees growing divisiveness, anger and fear...
Let us pray for tolerance that we can more carefully and thoughtfully listen to alternative points of view so that we may find collaborative solutions that benefit all people.
Let us pray for patience to preserved through these tough and turbulent times
Let us pray for continued protection and equal opportunities for all people to enjoy our constitutional freedoms and to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as the core of our democratic values.
Let us live up to the ideals of Jesus and to our Jesuit heritage to reach out to all people, particularly reaching out to our Muslim and Jewish brothers and sisters to welcome them and provide safe harbor.
Let us pray for peace in the world during these uncertain and turbulent times.
Let us find time to think about all that is good in this world and reflect with gratitude on all that we have been given in life-- our family, our friends, and the community here at Xavier.
Let us look forward to a world where people use their time and talents not to divide and ridicule but for innovation, advancements and endless possibility.
And as we make these reflections...
Let us pray for the health and happiness of our Xavier community.
Let us pray for support in our mission to make Xavier a university of great learning-- producing the next generation of thinkers and leaders with a strong calling to make the world a better place.
And finally, let us continue to use our time, talents and treasure to make a difference in the world.
- Deb Henretta
Honoring Our Unity
Lord, as gather together we recognize our differences in beliefs, values, and faith traditions, but we honor our unity here tonight with gratitude. Thank you for giving us the ability to love and to be loved, for helping us recognize those little "God moments" in the beauty in the vastness of your creation, and for working in the lives of the leaders around me tonight. The leaders of our clubs, retreats, student affairs, and athletics, among so many more. Thank for inspiring them to make a positive impact on the people and the world around us.
Lord I am also grateful for Xavier University and for the Jesuit values that are being instilled in us here. Because of these values we will strive for excellence personally and professionally, we will become agents of change, and we will live in a way that cares for the whole person.
Let us be reminded that this mission requires action and a lot of work on our part. Lord, inspire us to truly be men and women for and with others all the time: not just when it's convenient for us. And let us be unified in our fight to be for and with the marginalized, the poor, and the oppressed as that is what you have called us to do. Thank you for opening our hearts to this mission and I ask you help us on our journey to come together as a university and live it out.
Lord Bless the work that we have done, and the unseen work that we will do through this Jesuit mission as we strive to make a difference in the world. Fill us with enthusiasm and wonder as we receive these gifts with open minds, generous heart, and a willing spirit.
- Brandon Luipold
As We Make Decisions
Heavenly Father,
We come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and support as we begin this meeting.
Help us engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community.
Fill us with your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions that might affect the students, staff, faculty, alumni, and friends of this University.
And, continue to remind us that all that we do here today, all that we accomplish, is for the the pursuit of truth, for the greater glory of you, and for the service of humanity.
We ask these things in your name.
- Ted Torbeck
Reflecting on the New Year
Dear Lord,
As we approach the holiday season and look forward to the fast approaching New Year, let us take a few minutes to reflect on the year.
Let us reflect with gratitude on all that we have been given in life-- our family, our friends, and the community here at Xavier.
Let us reflect with sadness on the recent terrorists events that have put so many people in peril.
Let us reflect with gladness on all that is good and beautiful and kind and giving in the world.
Let us reflect with hope on the transformational times in which we live-- filled with innovation, advancements and endless possibility.
And as we make these reflections...
Let us pray for peace in the world.
Let us pray for the health and happiness of our Xavier community.
Let us pray for support in our mission to make Xavier a university of great learning-- producing the next generation of thinkers and leaders with a strong calling to make the world a better place.
And finally, let us look forward to the new year with a renewed sense of purpose and hope and giving. Whether our impact is to be big or small, affecting many or affecting one, let us use our time, talents and treasure to make a difference in the world.
- Deb Henretta
May Today There Be Peace Within
May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be confident knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
- Tommy Sedler
The Fast Life
Fast from judging others;
Feast on Christ dwelling in them.
Fast from fear of illness;
Feast on the healing power of God.
Fast from words that pollute;
Feast on speech that purifies.
Fast from discontent;
Feast on gratitude.
Fast from anger;
Feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism;
Feast on hope.
Fast from negatives;
Feast on encouragement.
Fast from bitterness;
Feast on forgiveness.
Fast from self-concern;
Feast on compassion.
Fast from suspicion;
Feast on truth.
Fast from gossip;
Feast on purposeful silence.
Fast from problems that overwhelm;
Feast on prayer that sustains.
Fast from anxiety;
Feast on faith.
- Author Unknown
We Seek You
Loving and Gracious God, you are indeed the giver of all good gifts and we come together this day to seek your wisdom, guidance, courage and strength. Be with us in our deliberations and help us to be wise in the decisions we make for
Xavier University and the good of all those who have placed their trust and confidence in our leadership. Give us insight to lead with integrity that our decisions may reflect what is right and good. Keep us from shortsightedness. Help us to make decisions that strive to be for the good of all while guarding us from blind self-interest. Finally, dear Lord, grant us the humility to always seek your will in all that we do and say. All Glory be to you, loving God, now and forever.
- Gary Robinette
Journey to the Frontiers of Education
O Yahweh, Al-Elah, O Almighty God, though we seek you on many paths, guide us to serve as one this great institution of your creation.
Grant us, always, as Father Arrupe asked so many years ago, to see everything now with new eyes, to discern and test the spirits that help us read the sign of the times, to relish the things that are from the Master of the Universe, and to communicate them to others. Give us the clarity of understanding that you gave St. Ignatius in whose heritage we move and conduct our affairs.
Help us now to build a culture of encounter and of mutual discernment and respect as we journey to the frontiers of education and society as part of the Xavier Way.
Inspire Us
Loving God,
Just as the Xavier community gathered on September 9 to call upon your Holy Spirit to guide Xavier University this year, we too call upon this same Spirit to direct this board in the decisions we will make that affect the students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends of this university. Inspire us in our conversation; grant us humility to be discerning in our listening and attentive to the stirrings in our hearts.
We pray in thanksgiving for the leadership of Fr. Graham and for his team; for the entire dedicated faculty and staff as they enliven the spirit of our mission daily; and for our students that they truly cultivate lives of reflection, compassion and informed action.
Keep us mindful that all we do, we do for your greater glory!
Keep us mindful and thankful for your many blessings!
We pray this through the intercession of our founder St. Ignatius and our patron St. Francis Xavier.
- Fr. Bill Verbyke, SJ
We Gather in Gratitude
Good and Gracious God, we gather in gratitude on this Founders' Day as we recognize that spirit of generosity upon which this institution was established, and that spirit of generosity which carries us today to be faithful to our mission:
the mission of educating each student intellectually, morally, and spiritually; by preparing students for a world that is increasingly diverse, complex and interdependent; by striving to challenge and support students as they cultivate lives of reflection, compassion and informed action.
We pray in thanksgiving for the many people that give life to this mission each day: faculty, staff and students. But this evening we especially acknowledge those members of our community who give in philanthropic ways to sustain Xavier University, members of the 1831 Society.
We gather in an even special way tonight to acknowledge the many ways that Xavier has been blessed through the generosity of time, talent and treasure of Mr. Joseph A. Pichler, whom we honor tonight with the 2013 Founders Day Award. And we recognize his wonderful wife Susan, for their longstanding dedication and support!
We ask your blessings upon the food we are about to eat. May this meal and our time together symbolize for us the many ways we experience your goodness. And may you also bless each of us and our families; and bless our world with peace.
Keep us always mindful of your great love as we see you in creation and experience you in one another.
We pray to you, most loving and giving God.
- Fr. Bill Verbryke, SJ
St. Ignatius' Prayer for Generosity
Lord, teach me to be generous. St. Ignatius' Prayer for Generosity
Teach me to serve you as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and not to ask for reward,
save that of knowing that I do your will.
Strengthen Us
Good and Merciful God,
We thank you for the blessed opportunity to facilitate your mission at Xavier University Board of Trustees, Educators and Administrators. We humbly beseech you to share with us the knowledge and wisdom you bestowed upon St. Ignatius and St. Frances Xavier, so we may guide and nurture this precious vessel of institutional learning with faith-based growth. Please strengthen us to make appropriate heartfelt decisions that are beneficial to the mission of the great University. Let us emulate your love, as we share our love and generosity for the development of this catholic institution, and perform our duties with enthusiasm and great zeal.
Please bless all of our students, the life-blood of Xavier University. Help them to learn, experience, and grasp the appropriate toolsets needed to succeed in their lives and to further the legacy of this Catholic institution.
During this season of lent, strengthen all of us to sacrifice in your name. Let these works enable us to find God, and to empower us by his Holy Spirit to perform our duties.
In Jesus' name, we pray.
- Robert Heidt
We Thank You
Let me first say that I am grateful for this opportunity as a Protestant student. Xavier does a great job of making non-Catholics feel welcome. Now, please bow your heads as we go to God in prayer. I will pray in the Christian tradition.
Lord, we thank you for the opportunity to gather together as students, faculty, administration, and board members. We thank you for this year's successes and areas of growth. Give us the strength to continue progressing as a University informed by our Jesuit values and mission. Bless the food and those that prepared it. All these things we ask in Jesus' name.
- Lauren White
Let All We Do be Done Through You
Father in heaven:
In this holy season of Advent we long for the fullness of salvation,
for ourselves and for our world;
into the darkness of winter,
send the light of your son.
Guide us in our meeting today,
so that everything we do might begin by your inspiration,
and be carried out through your grace,
so that all of our intentions and actions might seek only your service and
well-being of the students entrusted to our care.
Through Christ, our Lord.
- Tim Howe, S.J.
The Gift of Life
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank you for the gift of life, and for the gift of those lives who dedicate their efforts, in the Ignatian tradition, to nourish both the mind and spirit. We ask that your spirit be among us today as we consider our responsibilities to our Jesuit Institutions, our president, our faculty and our students.
In Christ's name we pray.
- Stephen Cuntz
Be with Us
God of Love,
We are meeting today regarding ordinary and extraordinary matters of Xavier University. Matters which will ultimately affect the students who have entrusted Xavier to engage them intellectually, morally and spiritually.
Be with us in our discussions.
Give us insight and courage to do your will with compassion and reverence, as stewards and companions for the benefit of the entire campus community and beyond.
Help us to know and believe in the gifts you have given us as Trustees, both individually and collectively.
Inspire us to solve the challenges we may face and to take joy in our shared triumphs, both mundane and grand.
In faith and hope, we trust in your presence and guidance today.
- Debra Mooney
Let it Be You
Be present with us, O Holy Spirit, for it is in your name that we are specially gathered together.
Come to help us in our affairs, and be pleased to enter into our deliberations.
Let it be you, first of all,who inspires our suggestions.
Grant that we may act wisely in service to Xavier University.
Keep us by the gift of your grace in harmony with your will, so that we may act as one with you.
- Donna Jones Baker
Let us Pray
God of Wisdom,
We are gathered here today to serve you and conduct the affairs of Xavier University.
Give us knowledge and strength to do your will with a proper balance of eternal values and our present needs.
May we accept our responsibilities, act with courage, and uphold the education of tomorrow's leaders.
Grant us a sense of justice and wise stewardship both now and forever.
- James Wainscott
As we look to and plan for the future of Xavier University - and our own personal future - let us hand over to God the feelings that are deep within each of us, participants in the ongoing creative activity of God.
Holy Creator,
give us patience to trust in Your slow and constant
creative power.
We are quite naturally impatient in everything
to reach the end without delay.
We should like to skip the intermediate stages.
We are impatient of being on the way
to something unknown, something new.
And yet it is the law of all progress
that new creation is made by passing through
some stages of instability?
and that it may take a very long time.
Help us to be patient
and understand Your ideas mature gradually within us.
Enable us to let them grow,
let them shape themselves, without undue haste.
Help us not to force the future
as though we could be today
what time, grace, and circumstances
will make of us tomorrow.
Only You can say what this new spirit,
Gradually forming within us, will be.
We give to You, Loving Creator, our faith
and trust that the benefit of our believing
is a deeper realization
that Your hand is leading us
when we accept the anxiety of felling ourselves
in suspense and incomplete,
waiting for Your plan to unfold in its own time,
We trust in Your creative power,
Source of all that is and all that will ever be.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.
Give Us
Holy God,
We gather here as members of this Board
and we thank you for calling us together.
It is our privilege and our responsibility
to support, foster, and advance
the mission of Xavier University.
We accept this task in total dependence upon you,
for it is you who began this work
you who guide it and will bring it to fulfillment.
Send your creative spirit upon us:
open our hearts to recognize Your presence among us;
open our minds to respond to Your calling.
Enable us to draw upon the wisdom and experience of yesterday
as we respond to the questions and concerns of tomorrow.
Give us freedom to speak the truth boldly and with kindness;
Give us patience to listen openly, without prejudice;
Give us confidence to discover and explore new possibilities;
Give us wisdom to discern what is right and good and just;
Give us courage to participate in your ongoing work of creation.
We call upon the intercession of St. Ignatius to confirm our prayer
and to support our endeavors.
All glory, honor, and praise are yours, Holy God, for all ages.
Read by: Ann Hoffman
Bless our Work
Good and Loving God,
We thank you for creating the world in all its beauty.
We thank you for memory, which enables us to build on the experiences of the past;
for imagination, which admits us to a wider world than we could otherwise know;
and for foresight, by which we plan for the future.
Bless this unseen work that we do on behalf of Xavier's many students who,
through their Jesuit education,
will strive to make a difference in the world.
- Joe Shadle
Through Faith and Hope
God of Love,
We are meeting today regarding ordinary and extraordinary matters of Xavier University, matters which will ultimately affect the students who have entrusted Xavier to engage them intellectually, morally and spiritually.
Be with us in our discussions.
Give us insight and courage to do Your will with compassion and reverence, as stewards and companions for the benefit of the entire campus community and beyond.
Help us to know and believe in the gifts you have given us as Trustees, both individually and collectively.
Inspire us to solve the challenges we may face and to take joy in our shared triumphs, both mundane and grand.
In faith and hope, we trust in your presence and guidance today.
- Debra Mooney
Opening Prayer for the Meeting of Xavier's Jesuit Identity Committee
Let us pray.
Good and loving God,
We gather this morning in your name.
The gifts of our Ignatian heritage invite us to be part of a tradition
that builds on the wisdom of the past
with a vision open to the opportunities of the future.
Bless this vital work that we do on behalf of Xavier's students
who, through their Jesuit education,
are challenged to make a difference in the world.
Give us the grace to serve you well.
Instill in us the humility to discern your will
and the generosity to carry it out.
- The staff of the Center for Mission and Identity
Fasting During the Lenten Season
As we begin the Lenten Season lets pause and reflect on where we want to be in 40 days
In the words of Pope Francis:
Let us pray that as we begin the season of lent we embrace the opportunity to:
Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.
Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.
Fast from worries and have trust in God.
Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity.
Fast from pressures and be prayerful.
Fast from bitterness and fill our hearts with joy.
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others.
Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
Fast from words and be silent so we can listen.
We pray that
our only desire
and our one choice
is to choose
what better leads
to the deepening
of God's life in us.
We ask the lord to guide our decisions today and to bless the Xavier Community with His peace, His joy, His love.
- Attributed to Pope Francis, offered by Tim Reilly
Thank You for This Evening
Trustee Dinner
Blessed are you, lord God of all creation!
WE thank you for this brisk evening, as we gather here in the warmth of Xavier companionship and gratitude.
We know Advent is shortly and lively upon us. We know this is the time, OUR time of anticipation and reflection - finding Jesus daily in our lives in power and strength, and yet even more often in the weak and vulnerable. We recognize primary challenges before us especially - your gift to us to be companions to youth.
We pray for our students, who [whether they know it or not] tirelessly seek wisdom and growth in their pursuits. May they find guidance and inspiration and hope from us. May their hearts be filled with empathy and an unwavering determination to be women and men for and with others for life ... as they navigate the complexities of this world.
We lift up our faculty and staff, who assist in the formation of the minds and souls of our students. Grant them strength, humility and wisdom as they share in the holy endeavor of education.
We remember our alumni, benefactors, and friends as they serve and lead in various corners of the world. May their Xavier experience continue to shape their lives, instilling in them a commitment to justice, truth, and more often than not... mercy and forgiveness.
Though the days grow shorter, darker... we hope for brightness and light. We ask for your grace and guidance in a world full of conflict and division. We know it is you who turn our minds to thoughts of peace. Grant us the wisdom to "take it on" and seek common ground, the courage to bridge divides, and the compassion to listen and understand one another in the Light of Christ, the one who never abandons us.
Bless the food before us and the hands that have prepared it. May this meal nourish our bodies and renew our spirits... as we say: Bless us, Oh Lord.
- Fr. Walter Deye
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