Montessori Education

Early Childhood Licensure

and Montessori Credential

Curriculum includes the American Montessori Society Early Childhood Credential (Ages 2 1/2 to 6), a Master of Education degree and Ohio Pre-Kindergarten and K-5 State of Ohio Teacher Licensure **

AMS EC Credential, MEd and PK-5 State Licensure Curriculum
Course Name Credit Hours
Total Credit Hours 54
EDFD 500 History and Philosophy of American Education ** 3
EDFD 505 Organization of Education Systems in the United States ** 3
EDFD 507 Educational Research & Educational Research Paper 3
EDME 551 Montessori Education: Philosophical Approach 3
EDME 563 Early Cognitive Development 3
EDME 564 Early Childhood/Montessori Methods 3
EDME 577 Early Childhood/Math and Science 3
EDME 566 Montessori Curriculum Design and Teaching Strategies I 3
EDME 567 Montessori Curriculum Design and Teaching Strategies II 3
EDME 673 Montessori Early Child Practicum I 3
EDME 674 Montessori Early Child Practicum II 3
EDME 550 Methods of Observation 3
EDME 559 Community and Advocacy in Education 3
EDRE 512 Reading Methods for Early Childhood ** 3
EDME 576 Phonics skills for Early Childhood 3
EDME 554 Montessori Language Arts and Reading 3
EDSP 505 Foundations in Early Childhood Special Education 3
EDRE 478 Diagnosis/Correction of Reading Disabilities 3

Students wishing Ohio licensure for Pre-Kindergarten and K-5 must meet general education background requirements. An additional reading course must be taken during the first year of teaching.

AMS Credential Services - Replacements, Upgrades, Verification Letters