Russell Lacey, Ph.D.
Professor, Marketing
Dr. Lacey earned his PhD in Marketing at the University of Alabama in 2003 and taught at the University of New Orleans prior to joining Xavier in 2011. Dr. Lacey has taught undergraduate, MBA, and Executive MBA courses, primarily focusing in the areas of Marketing Strategy, Business Ethics, and Services Marketing. He has taught at the University of Innsbruck in Austria, most recently in 2016. He also taught in San Juan, Puerto Rico as part of an Executive MBA program for five years. Since 2015, Dr. Lacey has participated in faculty education travel abroad programs and international conferences around the world, including in The United Kingdom, France, Austria, The Czech Republic, Canada, Japan, Thailand, and Singapore.
Dr. Lacey has published more than 30 articles in double-blind peer-reviewed academic journals, including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Marketing Letters, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Journal of Marketing Services, and European Journal of Marketing. In addition, he has contributed to three books, including the Handbook on Research in Relationship Marketing.
From 2017-2020, Dr. Lacey was the recipient of the D.J. O’Conor Professorship, the most prestigious recognition award given for exceptional academic achievement by Xavier’s Williams College of Business. Prior to this award, Dr. Lacey was awarded a three-year O’Conor Research Fellowship for his scholarly contributions to the field of Marketing.
Prior to his academic career, Dr. Lacey held a variety of corporate marketing positions, including as a Product Manager, Manager of Corporate Research, and Director of Strategic Planning & Business Development, working first at Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Kansas City and then at Baylor Health Care System (now Baylor Scott & White Health) in Dallas, Texas.
First Year at Xavier
- PhD (University of Alabama)
- MBA (University of Missouri- Kansas City)
- BBA (University of Missouri- Kansas City)
- Scheinbaum, Angeline Close, Anjala S. Krishen, and Russell Lacey (2022), “The Role of Faraway Fans on Event Sponsorship: Why Sponsorship Patronage Is Stronger Among Fans Who Travel Far to Events” Journal of Adverting Research, 62(1), 49-61.
- Scheinbaum, Angeline Close, Russell Lacey, and Minette Drumwright (2019), “Social Responsibility and Event-Sponsor Portfolio Fit: Positive Outcomes for Events and Brand Sponsors,” European Journal of Marketing, 53(2), 138-163.
- Scheinbaum, Angeline Close, Russell Lacey, and Ming-Ching Ling (2017), “Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility to Fit Consumer Perceptions: How Sincerity Drives Event and Sponsor Outcomes,” Journal of Advertising Research, 57(4), 410-421.
- Thompson, Scott A., Molan Kim, James M. Loveland, Russell Lacey, and Iana A. Castro (2017), “Consumer Communities Do Well, But Will They Do Good? A Study of Participation in Distributed Computing Projects,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 37, 32-43.
- Scheinbaum, Angeline Close and Russell Lacey (2015), “Event Social Responsibility: A Note to Improve Outcomes for Sponsors and Events,” Journal of Business Research, 68(9), 1982-1986.
- Close, Angeline G., Russell Lacey, and T. Bettina Cornwell (2015), “Visual Processing and Need for Cognition Can Enhance Event-Sponsorship Outcomes: How Sporting Event Sponsorships Benefit from the Way Attendees Process Them,” Journal of Advertising Research, 55(2), 206-215.
- Lacey, Russell, Pamela A. Kennett-Hensel, and Chris Manolis (2015), “Is Corporate Social Responsibility a Motivator or Hygiene Factor? Insights into its Bivalent Nature,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43(3), 315-332.
- Lacey, Russell (2012), "How Customer Voice Contributes to Stronger Service Provider Relationships," Journal of Services Marketing, 26(2) 137-144.
- Lacey, Russell and Pamela A. Kennett-Hensel (2010), “Longitudinal Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Relationships,” Journal of Business Ethics, 97(4) 581-597.
- Lacey, Russell, Angeline G. Close, and R. Zachary Finney (2010), “The Pivotal Roles of Product Knowledge and Corporate Social Responsibility on Event Sponsorship Effectiveness,” Journal of Business Research, 63(11), 1222-1228.
- Sneath, Julie Z., Russell Lacey, and Pamela A. Kennett-Hensel (2009), “Coping With a Natural Disaster: Losses, Emotions and Impulsive and Compulsive Buying,” Marketing Letters, 20(1), 45-60.
- Lacey, Russell, Jaebeom Suh, and Robert M. Morgan (2007), “Differential Effects of Preferential Treatment Levels on Relational Outcomes,” Journal of Service Research, 9(3), 241-256.
- Lacey, Russell (2007), “Relational Drivers of Customer Commitment,” Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, 15(4), 315-335.