Xavier Library Library Liaison Program
Library Liaison Program
For faculty and students, your library liaison is your link to an extensive range of services and resources offered by the library. Librarian Liaisons have been designated for each academic department here at Xavier. Each academic department has also selected faculty liaisons who coordinate with the librarian liaison.
What Your Library Liaison Can Do for You
- Advise you about library services, resources and policies
- Serve as a communications channel between the library and your department
- Represent your concerns and interests to the library
- Participate in relevant committees and departmental meetings to provide specialist advice
- Connect you to other people and services
- Offer one-on-one consultation
- Review your department's monthly acquisitions budget and remind you of pertinent ordering deadlines
Introduce You to Library Services
- Course reserves and e-reserves
- Document delivery and interlibrary loan
- XPLORE Library catalog
- Subject Guides
- Journals @ XU
- OhioLINK
Help Advance Your Research
- Work with you to advance your research interests and identify information needs
- Locate, recommend, and evaluate print and electronic sources
- Provide you with guides tailored to your discipline for books, databases, journals, media, and internet resources
- Collaborate with you to develop a library collection that is relevant for the learning and teaching needs of the university, through collection development and resource support
- Assist in identifying seminal resources in your discipline
- Work with you on grant-funded projects
Help with Your Teaching
- Assist you with developing course resources within course management systems
- Introduce you and your students to reference management services
- Train you and your students to use the plagiarism detection tools
- Collaborate with you on curriculum design to incorporate information fluency in your coursework
- Brainstorm about effective student assignments and alternatives to traditional research papers
- Provide advice and support to help with teaching commitments and requirements
- Collaborate with you to develop appropriate assessments
- Assist you in providing distance education
Provide Information Fluency Skills for Your Students
- Provide general library instruction to instill students with basic library skills
- Teach advanced information fluency skills to students in various settings
- Provide one-on-one help for students doing research and/or writing papers
- Provide discipline-specific, course-specific or assignment-specific training tailored for different student audiences