The Jesuit Tradition in Today's World:

Gifts of our Ignatian Heritage


Narrated by Mr. Joseph Pichler, Trustee since 1993, Board Chair from 2004-2009. (The Introduction can also be read here.)



The Truly Catholic University
Richard Malloy, S.J.

The Gifts of Our Ignatian Heritage
XU Discernment Group, Report to the President, 2009

optional - Are we still Jesuit? Catholic?
Charles Currie, S.J. (President of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities)


Reflection Questions:

  • What world, national, or regional events have taken place during the time I have begun working at a Jesuit institution?
    1. What effects have those events had on student life and campus culture?
    2. How can I help the institution and students prepare for a rapidly changing global society?
  • Why are they called "gifts" of our Ignatian Heritage?

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