Faith Traditions Video Resource


See and hear an excerpt on the Muslim faith given by Shakila Ahmed of the Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati from the seminar "Understanding World Religions."

 Multifaith Ministry and Ignatian Spirituality - Abby King-Kaiser

Multifaith Ministry and Ignatian Spirituality

See and hear Rev. Abby King-Kaiser, Director, Dorothy Day Center for Faith and Justice, discuss the impact of multifaith ministry

Human Dignity and Gender - Salem Foad, M.D.

Human Dignity and Gender

See and hear Salem Foad, M.D., former XU Board of Trustees member, address human dignity and gender in introductory remarks offered at a 2007 Ethics/Religion and Society event.

World Religions : Catholic-Christianity - Marie Giblin, Ph.D.

World Religions : Catholic-Christianity

See and hear Marie Giblin, Ph.D., former chair of the Theology Department at Xavier University, addressing Christianity-Catholicism in this 3-minute excerpt from an Understanding World Religions seminar presentation.

World Religions: Judaism - Raibi Abie IngberWorld Religions : Judaism

See and hear Rabbi Abie Ingber offering his views in this excerpt on Judaism from the seminar "Understanding World Religions."

World Religions : Christianity - Rev. Damon Lynch Jr.

World Religions : Christianity

See and hear Rev. Damon Lynch Jr., pastor of the New Jerusalem Baptist Church, address the importance of social justice for his ministry from the seminar "Understanding World Religions."

Celebrating Holidays, Celebrating Faith

Celebrating Holidays, Celebrating Faith

Watch and hear three Xavier students share their insights and reflections on the traditions of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa.

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