Prayers for Strength
For Confidence
Lord, I come against imposter syndrome right now. I thank you that I am more than enough and that I possess the knowledge, skills, and talent to do everything that you have called me to do on this earth. I bind up a spirit of inferiority, inability, ignorance, low self-esteem, and any other spirit that would attack who I am in You. I lose a spirit of freedom and confidence in who I am meant to be.
I declare that words that have been spoken against me and who I am have no power. I declare and decree that anything that does not build me up and who I am supposed to be in You is cast down. I thank You that I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, that I was created in your likeness, and that I am destined to be everything that you have called me to be.
I declare that my purpose is assured and that everything that is for me comes to me. Nothing that tries to hinder me will succeed. Lord, I bind up anxiety, nervousness, instability, mental angst, and anything that does not represent peace, joy, happiness, temperance, and steadfastness in You.
I declare and decree that if no one else has anything positive to say about me, I say something positive about myself. Bring back to my remembrance everything that You purposed for me, even when I was in my mother's womb.
Thank You that no matter what a circumstance or situation looks like, I can rest assured that I am an overcomer and that I am more than a conqueror in each and every environment in which I go.
Lord, if I enter an environment where people do not lift me up, I will not take that personally. I pray for them, and I declare that they will become equipped with tools that help them to build people up.
Lord, I do not internalize the words that are spoken about me negatively and the words that are meant to attack my credibility and my ability to be successful. I thank you that even when I make mistakes, they are not permanent failures. I can overcome them. I can learn new information. I can go to sources of knowledge that will help me to learn everything that I need to be better.
I declare that I am not an imposter. I am genuine. I am real. I am more than enough. I am who you have called me to be when you have caused me to be it. I am victorious. I am a winner. I overcome every obstacle that is placed before me.
Every day is a day of success. Because I am getting better, I am becoming more like you. I am operating in the fullness of Christ and in the fullness of the potential that you put in me before the foundation of the earth. I will fulfill my purpose, and I will fulfill that purpose with confidence.
People are drawn to me because of my confidence. They are drawn to me because I have the answers they need to be successful. Success is upon me. I wear victory and success like a cloak, a garment, a robe, and a crown. I thank you that I am royalty and that everything that I touch prospers. I thank you that you are placing witty inventions and ideas in my mind so that I have no need to fear that I do not know enough.
I'm going to do exceedingly abundantly above what I can ask or think in my lifetime. I will do everything that you have declared me to do. You have the final say. You are the author and the finisher. You are the first and the last. God, you are the one who is crafting the narrative of my life. You are writing the chapters. You are putting your supernatural anointing on my life so I can move forward and prosper in every area that you have destined for me. I declare and decree that I am all that you have called me to be today, tomorrow, and forevermore.
- Dr. Monica Cox
For Resilience
Lord, your Word promises that you “will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”
Your Truth nourishes the root of our hearts, helping us bloom in the desert.
Your love revitalizes us when circumstances threaten to dehydrate out faith.
When we are surrounded by the dryness of uncertainties, fears, or change, saturate us with Your presence, pour Your peace into every fiber of our being until we radiate with resilience.
No matter where you have us planted, help us bloom for Your glory.
We love you. We need you. We praise you. In Jesus’s name,
- Author Unknown, Offered by Doug Ruschman 9-29-20
A Blessing Prayer
May the God of strength be with us,
holding us in strong and loving hands,
May we be the sacrament of God's strength
to those whose hands we hold,
May the blessing of strength be with us.
May the God of gentleness be with us,
caressing us with sunlight and rain and wind.
May God's tenderness shine through us
to warm all who are hurt and lonely.
May the blessing of gentles be with us.
May the God of wonder be with us,
delighting us with sunrise and sunset, enchanting our
senses, filling our hearts, giving us wide-open eyes
that we may see the splendor in both the humble and majestic.
May we open the eyes and hands and hearts of the blind and deaf and the insensitive.
May the blessing of wonder be with us.
May the God of compassion be with us,
holding us close when we are weary and hurt and alone.
And may we be the warm hands and eyes of compassion
for our sisters and brothers when they reach out to us.
May the blessing of compassion be on us.
May the God of simplicity be with us, opening us to a clear vision of what is real and true,
Leading us deeply into the mystery of childhood.
And may our dealings with others be marked by honesty, which is simplicity.
May the blessing of simplicity be on us.
May the God of joy be with us, thrilling us with God's nearness,
filling our hearts to fullness, and filling our throats with laughter and song.
May our joy bring life and joy to others.
May the blessing of joy be with us always.
May the God of love be with us.
May our lives be continual, giving and receiving of love with our God,
our friends, and with all whose lives we touch.
May God's love in us light fires of faith and hope,
and may the fire grow and burn deeply and enflame the earth.
May the blessing of love and friendship be with us always.
- Author Unknown
The Power of a Whisper
Slow me down today, Lord,
and whisper a word or two - or more,
in the quiet of my mind and heart...
When I'm cursing myself or others,
whisper words of blessing...
When I'm judging another's words and deeds,
whisper words of patience...
When my voice is still and silent,
whisper words that I might speak...
When I'm saying much too much,
whisper words to shut me up...
When I've failed and when I've sinned,
whisper words of pardon...
When I'm facing loss and grief,
whisper words of consolation...
When I'm stuck in my own foolishness,
whisper words of wisdom...
When I'm confounded and confused,
whisper words of counsel...
When I'm caught up in my lies,
whisper words of truth.
When life is just too tough to take,
whisper words of hope...
When my heart is broken, hurt and wounded,
whisper words of healing...
When I'm at war with my neighbor or myself,
whisper words of peace...
Slow me down, Lord,
and help me find a quiet place to hear
the whisper of your word...
Slow me down today, Lord,
and whisper a word or two - or more,
in the quiet of my mind and heart...
Sarum Primer Prayer
God be in my head
and in my understanding;
God be in my eyes
and in my looking;
God be in my mouth
and in my speaking;
God be in my heart
and in my thinking;
God be in my end
and at my departing.
- Author Unknown, c. 1514
May What I Do Flow From Me Like a River
I believe in all that has never yet been spoken.
I want to free what awaits within me
So that what no one has dared to wish for
May for once spring clear
Without my contriving.
If this is arrogant, God, forgive me,
But this is what I need to say.
May what I do flow from me like a river,
No forcing and no holding back,
The way it is with children.
Then in these swelling and ebbing currents,
These deepening tides moving out, returning,
I will sing you as no one ever has,
Streaming through widening channels
Into the open sea.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Your Loving Support
God, oh God, it is you I seek.
And, with your constant loving support
I will even try to seek you in lost causes,
those dark and forgotten places that I can't imagine you present.
And yet you are there.
Help me to be there too,
seeking, finding, proclaiming your goodness
even as the day darkens
and my spirit draws back to my false safety of self.
Fill me with wonder of your goodness,
replacing my self doubt with confidence
in you and your sure and steady help.
For Strength and Wisdom
Thank You, Lord, for being there for me and allowing me to cry out to you in my times of need. It is amazing to me that the Lord of the Universe would take time to listen to me and to care about what I say.
God, there are things happening around me right now that I do not understand. Some of these thinks make me feel weak, helpless, and afraid.
Even in the midst of this, I know that you are the Lord.
I know that the situation is in Your hand, and I trust You.
I beseech you for strength and for wisdom that I would be able to endure his situation and be able to handle it in a way that would bring glory to Your name.
Leading in Our Lives
we are your beloved.
Even in our unfinished state,
you take delight in what we are
and what we will become.
Help us to claim for our own your gentle leading in our lives,
help us to know you are always hoping for more for us
and from us.
Give us the strength and peace of heart
to be filled with your power.
Drenched in Holiness
Dear God, Spirit, Divine Mother,
On this day I ask you to grant this request,
May I know who I am and what I am,
Every moment of every day.
May I be a catalyst for light and love,
And bring inspiration to those whose eyes I meet.
May I have the strength to stand tall in the face of conflict,
And the courage to speak my voice, even when I'm scared.
May I have the humility to follow my heart,
And the passion to live my soul's desires.
May I seek to know the highest truth
And dismiss the gravitational pull of my lower self.
May I embrace and love the totality of myself,
My darkness as well as my light.
May I be brave enough to hear my heart,
To let it soften so that I may gracefully
Choose faith over fear.
Today is my day to surrender anything that stands
Between the sacredness of my humanity and my divinity.
May I be drenched in my Holiness
And engulfed by Your love.
May all else melt away.
And so it is.
- Debbie Ford
Give Me Strength
Dear Oh God, I ask not for easier tasks.
I ask for stronger aptitudes and greater talents
to meet any tasks which may come my way.
Help me to help others
so that their lives may be made easier and happier.
Strengthen my confidence in my fellow men
in spite of what they may do or say.
Give me strength to live according to the Golden Rule,
enthusiasm to inspire those around me,
sympathy to help lighten the burdens of those who suffer,
and a spirit of joy and gladness to share with others.
-attributed to Harry Bullis, former chairman of General Mills
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