Prayers for the End of Hunger
Sharing the Loaves and Fishes
Sharing the loaves and fishes,
You gave us an image of solidarity with the hungry, O Lord.
Sharing yourself in the bread and wine,
You called all to the table, O Lord.
Give me the hunger to be a part of the feeding
And the healing of this world.
Nourish me with your Grace,
So I may work with joy to serve your children.
Open my eyes and my heart
To recognize those in poverty
And increase my awareness
Of the structures and systems
That need to be changed
So we may all break bread together.
In your name we pray for the end of hunger.
- Education for Justice
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Bread of Life
Bread of life, bread of Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread.
Feed those, who are hungry.
- Bread for the World
Its Hard to See Children Suffer
Lord, it's hard to see children suffer, especially from hunger. We ask you to give them daily bread today and throughout the coming months. Provide the food they need to grow and thrive. We look to you, O God, our strength.
- World Vision, Pray to end the West Africa hunger crisis
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Let Us Pray for the Poor
Let us pray for the poor, hungry, and neglected all over the world, that their cries for daily bread may inspire works of compassion and mercy among those to whom much has been given.
Let us pray for the farmers with limited or marginal land throughout the world, for those who lack access to water and other resources, and for the light of research and support services to shine in the lives of all God's people.
Let us pray for the health of women, children, and families around the world, especially for an end to maternal and child mortality, that in building healthy families, all God's people may be empowered to strengthen their communities and repair the breaches which divide nations and peoples.
Let us pray for an end to the waste and desecration of God's creation, for access to the fruits of creation to be shared equally among all people, and for communities and nations to find sustenance in the fruits of the earth and the water God has given us.
Let us pray for all nations and people who already enjoy the abundance of creation and the blessings of prosperity, that their hearts may be lifted up to the needs of the poor and afflicted, and partnerships between rich and poor for the reconciliation of the world may flourish and grow.
Lord, hear our prayer.
- National Catholic Rural Life Conference
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