Jewish Prayers
Prayers inspired by those who practice Judaism and its traditions.
Prayer for the Jewish New Year
May we hold lovingly in our thoughts-
those who suffer from tyranny, subjection, cruelty, and injustice,
and work every day towards the alleviation of their suffering.
May we recognize our solidarity
with the stranger, outcast, downtrodden, abused, and deprived,
that no human being be treated as "other,"
that our common humanity weaves us together
in one fabric of mutuality,
one garment of destiny.
May we pursue the Biblical prophet's vision of peace,
that we might live harmoniously with each other
and side by side,
respecting differences,
cherishing diversity,
with no one exploiting the weak,
each living without fear of the other,
each revering Divinity in every human soul.
May we struggle against institutional injustice,
free those from oppression and contempt,
act with purity of heart and mind,
despising none, defrauding none, hating none,
cherishing all, honoring every child of God, every creature of the earth.
May ...all peoples
know peace in this New Year,
And may we nurture kindness and love everywhere.
- Rabbi John Rosove (Senior Rabbi of Temple Israel of Hollywood in Los Angeles)
A Jewish Prayer for Peace
Come, let us go to the mountain of the Lord, that we may walk the paths of the Most High. And we shall beat our swords into ploughshares and our spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war any more. And none shall be afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts has spoken.
- Author Unknown
Prayer of Thanks
Throughout all generations we will render thanks unto Thee
And declare Thy praise,
Evening, morning, and noon,
For our lives which are in Thy care,
For our souls which are in Thy keeping
For thy miracles which we witness daily,
And for Thy wondrous deeds and blessings toward us at all times.
As We Live
As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now are a part of us; as we remember them.
A Beautiful World
And God saw everything that He had made, and found it very good.
And He said: This is a beautiful world that I have given you.
Take good care of it; do not ruin it.
It is said: Before the world was created, the Holy One kept
creating worlds and destroying them. Finally, He created this one,
and was satisfied. He said to Adam: This is the last world I
shall make. I place it in your hands: hold it in trust.
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