Family Prayers
Holy One, I ask you to help each member of our family to be completely humble and gentle in our interactions with each other; and to be patient, bearing with one another's faults in love - even when we're tired, frustrated, angry, or
hurt. Help us to make every effort to remain united in the Spirit in this home.
Please bind us together in peace.
- Author Unknown
Loving Each Other
Gracious God, help us to love each other fervently.
Grow our love so deep that it is able and willing to overcome and forgive a multitude of misgivings.
Inspire a spirit of hospitality in each of us and enable us to cheerfully share our home .
We acknowledge that you have given each of us spiritual gifts.
Help us to put our own needs aside and use those gifts to serve one another well. We will rely on the strength and energy You supply.
We pray that everything we do within this family unit will bring you glory through the One who lives in us.
- Author Unknown
For My Family
Lord God,
I give you all the members of our family. You know them all so well and love them all. I ask that you would cover us with a rainbow of hope.
Hope that draws us together to work out our differences.
Hope that helps us to celebrate together and care for one another.
Hope that rides like a banner in our lives and watches over us wherever we go.
Hope that overcomes adversity and gathers strength to overcome.
Hope that guides us and gives us vision for our future alone and together.
Hope filled with love.
Hope that fuels faith.
Hope that breathes peace.
May our family live in you
Underneath your promises.
- Author Unknown
For a Family Reunion
Thank you so much for bringing us all here together today.
Thank you for the wonderful blessing of family.
Thank you for the similarities we have and the differences we enjoy.
Thank you for the wisdom of age and the energy of youth.
Thank you for the way you watch over us as individuals and the way you release your love into us as a unit.
Come bless our time together.
- Author Unknown
Dear Lord God,
You created balance.
The night to follow the day.
The sea to touch the earth.
All the wonderful animals, fish and birds.
You are the great creator of variety and diversity.
Thank you that you made us all to be unique and reflect your love.
Come draw our family together in all its wonder and beauty.
Help us to love and respect each other.
Show us how to support and encourage one another.
Inspire us to work together to become a picture full of your perfect love.
- Author Unknown
Unity and Peace
Restore unity and peace, and may love, faith and hope invade the hearts of each of them.
Mend the broken relationships within each circle.
Let love never run dry for one another and let all situations be resolved.
Allow all the lost ones who have been led astray by the world discover You again.
Continue to bless us daily.
- Author Unknown
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