Baptism Prayers
Prayers for children and adults that will have their baptism.
Prayer for Baptism Candidates
Lord, thank you for the precious gift of baptism, that we can publicly declare our love and passion for you. Lord, we ask for your goodness and blessings to be poured out on this faithful servant. We pray that you would work deeply within their heart and soul to renew and refresh them each day. Come guide their footsteps, give them a hope and a vision for the future. Today, the past is gone. They stand free and whole, loved and forgiven within the kingdom of God. Father, cover and protect them now, encircle them with your promises and fill their hearts with joy. May this day be one they cherish and remember forever!
- Author Unknown
Prayer for Baptism Day
Living and Loving Father,
I praise and thank You with my heart for the liberation You have given me from the clutches of sin and Satan. By your death on the Cross of Calvary, You have put my old life with its sin and judgement to death forever and endowed me with a new life that is abounding with joy.
Father, I commit this Baptism Day into Your most precious and loving hands. I believe that by your crucifixion on the Cross, my old self was rendered powerless, and I was freed from all sin. You were raised from the dead that I too may live a life victorious and overcoming all evil.
Father, on this day, I rededicate myself to live in you and live a life for Your glory. I remember the day when I was baptized and washed off all my sins. Lord, it is your grace that I must be counted worthy to be called your child. Help me to keep your commandments. Renew my strength this day that I may be strong in faith and increase in zeal. Preserve me for the glorious day of your coming. I believe your Word which says, "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ". Let this day be the beginning. Lead me into greater spiritual depths even in the coming days. In Jesus' precious name I pray.
- Author Unknown
Baptism Prayer for Parents
Take this little one dear Father into your loving arms, Cover and protect them, guide them from all harm. Fill their days with love and joy, nurture all they are, hhelp them as they learn and grow, to feel loved and set apart. Speak to them of truth and light, so that their souls can sing, A cry of praise, a song of joy, and a love for peaceful things. Take their little hands dear God and bless them as they pray. Let a beautiful love story begin on this baptism day.
- Author Unknown
Prayer for Infant Baptism #1
Heavenly Father, we thank you that by water and the Holy Spirit you have bestowed upon these your servants the forgiveness of sin, and have raised them to the new life of grace. Sustain them, O Lord, in your Holy Spirit. Give them an inquiring and discerning heart, the courage to will and to persevere, a spirit to know and to love you, and the gift of joy and wonder in all your works.
- Author Unknown
Prayer for Infant Baptism #2
Heavenly Father, grant that this child grows in grace and love. May they learn to follow Jesus through the influence of the Holy Spirit. They are a true child of yours, and we pray they serve you faithfully all their days. We pray guidance and strength for the parents and family of this child. May their example, wise counsel and loving lead them to live a life of strength, righteousness, faith, love, joy and peace. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Author Unknown
Prayer for Child's Baptism
Heavenly Father, we thank you for your love and the grace of calling us to know you. We ask Oh Lord that this child will grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding to know you. We ask that from henceforth, the Holy Spirit will continually be your guardian. Strengthen the family and let your love radiate over the child and the family as we welcome him into the body of Christ. As you have heeded to the master’s call today, taking this step of faith, the Lord will release his blessings and his Holy Spirit upon you today. He will see you through every challenge that might come your way and order your pat in the right direction. Your child has professed Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, let this be the beginning of endless joy and love in his life and the family. Strengthen him to live righteously for your glory and be a faithful member of the body of Christ.
- Author Unknown
Baptism Prayer #1
Heavenly Father, In your love you have called us to know you, led us to trust you, and bound our life with yours. Surround this child with your love, protect it from evil. Fill it with the Holy Spirit and receive it into the family of your church, that it may walk with us in the way of Christ, and grow in the knowledge of your love.
- Author Unknown
Baptism Prayer #2
You’re taking this step of faith, in obedience to the Lord to be baptized in His precious name and heed the Masters call to rise up with faith in God and go where He may lead. To share God's love to everyone, and touch them in their need. May God pour out His blessings upon your life today so you may walk in His abundance as you commit to Him your way Keep on trusting in the Lord. No matter what you face And keep your eyes on Jesus Christ, and live in His sweet grace.
- M.S.Lowndes
Prayer of Thanks for Baptism in the Spirit
Thank you, Father, Lord, that I have been born from above in spirit and truth. Lord, I just want to thank you for the wonderful things that took place the moment that I trusted in Jesus as sSavior. Thank You, that you transferred me from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of your dear son. Thank you, that I am accepted in Christ Jesus, your beloved son and have been clothed in his righteousness. Thank you that I have become a child of God and been made a joint-heir with Jesus. Thank you that in him I am seated in heavenly places and that I have become eternally secure, having been given eternal life, by faith in Jesus Christ my savior. Thank you also for the understanding that the moment that I was born again, your Holy Spirit baptized me, once and forever, into the body of Christ, that he placed me eternally into that body of believers. Thank You for this precious baptism into Christ and may I learn to grow in grace and in knowledge of him who loved me and gave himself for me. Fill me day by day with your spirit. Lead and guide me in the days that lie ahead and thank you that in Christ I am saved by grace, and through faith in Christ alone and that he did it all and it is finished. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
- Author Unknown
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