Calendar of Religious Holy Days
and Observances
This multi-faith calendar includes religious holy days and observances for 2024. Calendar entries include Baháʼí, Buddhist, Christian/Catholic, Eastern Orthodox/Christian, Hindu, Islam, Jain, Jewish, Persian and Sikh faiths.
Work-restricted Religious Holy Days
A recognized denominational sacred or holy day that is observed by persons or groups who are required - through a set or system of religious beliefs, laws/doctrines, tenets, canons or theology - to restrict or limit work and/or physical or mental activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something; toil; labor. This definition may include academic endeavors (e.g. examinations, classroom activities and research, or out-of-classroom learning experiences).
-Hindu, Jain, and Sikh holy days are calculated on a lunar calendar and are observed at different times in different regions.
-All Jewish and Bahá'í holy days begin at sunset the previous day.
-Observances/practices vary from culture to culture within and across denominations.
Sunday is widely observed as a Sabbath and day of worship for many faith traditions. In the Jewish faith, Saturday (beginning at sunset on Friday) is a work-restricted Sabbath, Regulations governing observance for worship depends on regional customs.
There are no work-restricted holy days within the Christian faith by tenet. By custom, in the United States, Easter and Christmas (a federal holiday) are considered to be non-work days.
Special worship : Such religious observances listed above are NOT work-restricted by definition but may involve a special worship or observance.
Meaningful : Such days are NOT work-restricted by definition but may be particularly significant to persons attending or working at a Jesuit Catholic university.
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