Assuring Our Ignatian Mission and Identity


Goal: To provide participants with deepening reflections on spirituality and introduce them to prayer concepts that may be useful to them in semester three.

Format: Each session begins with a presentation on the assigned topic, includes pre-reading selected by the presenter, and discussion by the participants either in small groups or as a whole.

More material will be added to this semester soon.

Session Topic
1 Theology of God


"The God Who Beckons" by Joan Chittister, OSB

"Living Conversation: Higher Education in a Catholic Context" by Michael Himes
2 Pondering the Mystery of the Divine and Reflecting Theologically on that Mystery
3 Spirituality, God and Prayer in Different Traditions

The Power of Sacred Writing

5 Contemplation in Action/Contemplation Today
6 Solidarity
7 What is Discernment?and How Do I Really Know It Is God?
8 Personal Reflections on Discernment and Prayer: In big and little decisions
9 The Daily Examen
10 Ways of Praying: Unique Personalities, Unique Forms of Prayer