Institute for Spirituality and Social Justice

Current Course Offerings

Summer Intercession 2024: May 6th-17th 

Historical Jesus 

Historical Jesus book screenshot

Taught by Dr. Art Dewey, M-F, 1:00pm-4:45pm

An introduction to the historical question of what Jesus said and did. Students will analyze the early Jesus data with critical tools and detect the implications of this investigation for the contemporary situation. 



Guatemala Immersion/Course 

Guatemala Immersion/Course.jpg

Taught by Dr. John Sniegocki

Would you like to explore the natural beauty of Guatemala, learn about Mayan culture and spirituality, and examine issues of human rights, economic justice, ecology,  grassroots social movements, and the role of the Catholic Church? If so, consider taking part in an immersion trip to Guatemala this May.

Courses offered include THEO 615, Contemporary Ethical Issues. If the on-campus class times do not work for you, an independent study may be possible. View the Itinerary and Costs in the Flyer. Graduate students in theology are eligible for a $500 scholarship, in addition to any other tuition reduction or financial assistance that you normally receive. Contact John Sniegocki, for more information. 



Regular Summer Session 2024: May 13-June 21

Franciscan Spirituality

Franciscan Spirituality screenshot

Taught by Dr. Gillian Ahlgren- Fully Online

Born into a world of socio-economic turbulence, conflict over property, and social discrimination, Francis and Clare of Assisi chose to forge a new way for themselves and their contemporaries. The "Franciscan Revolution" of the thirteenth-century has a great deal to teach us today. As Pope Francis invites us toward a "revolution of tenderness," we too can discover the power of encounter and the presence of God at the margins, just as Francis and Clare did. This course creates a fruitful dialogue between past and present with global implications for today. 

with optional pilgrimage to Assisi, please contact

Ignatian Spirituality


Taught by Dr. Gillian Ahlgren- Fully Online (with a few Synchronous Meetings)

This course provides an understanding of the context out of which Ignatian Spirituality developed and some of the major ways that it has expressed itself as a movement that fosters a faith that does justice at the service of education, peacemaking and the remediation of injustice in the world around us. Topics addressed include: (1) the context of Ignatius’s own life and the theological and spiritual questions at the heart of the Catholic reformation of the 1520s; (2) the development of the Spiritual Exercises; (3) the Jesuit approach to education and mission; and (4) key figures of the 20th Century. 




July Institute 2024

Summer institute for spirituality and social justice 2024

THEO 519- Jesuits, Sacraments, and Justice 

Taught by Dr. Kristine Suna-Koro

July 8th - 19th, Fully Online

Zoom meetings: July 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, & 18, @ 10am-12pm

THEO 634- Recovery and Growth Post Trauma 

Taught by Dr. Ashley Theuring

July 22nd - August 2nd, Fully Online 

Zoom meetings: July 24, 26, 31, & August 2, @ 9am-11am



Fall 2024: August 19, 2024

THEO 504- Liberating Bible

Taught by Dr. Anna Miller

Mondays 6:30pm-9:00pm


How can the Sacred Scriptures of the Jewish and Christian traditions help us engage a new conversation about justice, solidarity and planetary survival?  Develop a critical fundamental competency in reading and interpreting scripture while exploring how the Bible can help us acquire a new prophetic imagination.


Theo 631- Theo/Ethics in Ministry

Taught by Dr. Marcus Mescher

Tuesdays 6:30pm-9:00pm


This course provides students an opportunity to explore the theological foundations and ethical issues related to ministry in parish, school, and chaplaincy settings. In addition to reflecting on the moral responsibilities of church ministers, students will explore how the church can better meet the pastoral needs of its members.



THEO 579 Buddhist-Christian Exploration

Taught by Dr. John Sniegocki

Wednesdays 6:30pm-9:00pm


This course will provide an introduction to Buddhism, key issues in Buddhist-Christian dialogue, and Buddhist/Christian contemplative practices. Various topics in social and ecological ethics will also be explored.