Student Wellbeing Services

Wellbeing Improvement Survey for Higher Education Settings

Xavier University Student Wellbeing Services is conducting the Wellbeing Improvement Survey for Higher Education Settings (WISHES) survey during the month of February 2025. All undergraduate and graduate students who are aged 18 years or older and currently enrolled in the Spring 2025 semester will receive a link to this anonymous survey. Students' names, emails, other identifying information will NOT be connected to their survey responses. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most important things to know? 

This is an online survey study about mental health and related topics. All students at your institution are being asked to participate, along with students at other institutions. Your responses will help improve understanding of how campuses can support student mental health more effectively. The survey typically takes about 15 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept confidential and secure and not connected with your name, email, or any other information that identifies you. 

Who’s conducting this survey?

This survey is conducted using a tool called the Wellbeing Improvement Survey for Higher Education Settings (WISHES), developed by the Action Network for Equitable Wellbeing (ANEW). The principal investigators are Kaity Rowe and Maria Merrill from Xavier University. 

Why is this survey important?  

Xavier University wants to better understand student mental health and related needs, so the institution is partnering with ANEW to collect data. Other universities in the United States have implemented the WISHES tool with their students, including New York University, Cornell University, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Texas A&M, about their wellbeing, if they feel supported, their use of alcohol and other drugs, and other mental and emotional health issues. 
Getting this information from students at Xavier University, along with students at other institutions, will help us get a clearer picture of how students handle the stresses of college life and how well their mental and emotional health needs are being met. Even more importantly, Xavier University’s administration will also get valuable information to help them make decisions about mental health programs and resources on campus. 

How was I selected for this study? 

We are inviting all current students 18 years and older at Xavier University to participate in the WISHES survey. 

What will taking this survey be like?  

  • Time: It takes about 15 minutes to complete the survey. 
  • Topics 
    • mood and emotions 
    • mental health and emotional issues
    • physical health
    • use of alcohol and other drugs 
    • social and academic support
    • financial security


Will I be compensated for taking part in this survey?

By participating in this survey and opting into a drawing, students will be eligible to win one of 34 $50 Kroger gift cards. Two names of survey participants will be drawn each day from a cumulative pool of respondents; upon a participant name being drawn, that participant will be removed from the pool. The earlier the survey is completed, the more chances a participant will have to win.

  • Students will need to opt into the drawing at the end of the survey using a separate survey link that will not be connected to their responses. Entering the drawing is voluntary. 


What if I don’t have time to take the whole survey? 

You can return later and complete the survey if it is prior to the survey completion deadline, March 7, 2025. 


What are the benefits of participation?   

  • Potential benefits to you:  
    • You may learn important information about available mental health services and tools, on- and off-campus. 
    • You may choose to learn more about your mental health status after taking this survey.
  • Benefits to your campus:
    • This research will help your campus better understand student mental health and wellbeing needs are.  

What are the risks of participation?  

  • Some of the questions ask about sensitive information such as your emotional health and substance use. You can skip any questions you do not wish to answer. Even if you decide to participate now, you may change your mind and stop at any time. 
  • Some of the survey topics could make you uncomfortable: depression, anxiety, eating concerns, and alcohol use. If any questions make you feel worried or unhappy, you can contact the resource listed at the bottom of each page of the survey or the resources provided at the very end of the survey. 


Is this survey anonymous? 

Yes, this survey was designed to protect your anonymity.  

  • Your answers to the survey will not be connected to your name, email, date of birth, student ID or other identifiers. 
  • The data from this study, without any identifiable information, is stored in a secure digital location by the research team for future research purposes. 
  • Any reports or articles written about this survey will describe people’s answers all together (in the aggregate or as a whole) and will contain no information that could allow someone to identify you. 


How did you get my contact information and what other information do you have about me? 

The Xavier University Registrar’s Office provided your name and email for one purpose, so we know to whom to send the survey. This information is not embedded or linked to your survey data. 


What if I have additional questions about the survey? 

  • Contact the principal investigators of this study, Kaity Rowe or Maria Merrill. 
  • If you have questions about your rights as a research participant or wish to obtain information, ask questions, or discuss any concerns about this study with someone other than the researchers, please contact Xavier University's Institutional Review Board at 513-745-2870, or Please refer to Protocol #23-059.