Financial Aid Contact
Welcome to Student Financial Services for the Accelerated BSN Track. Your ABSN Financial Aid Advisor will serve as your main point of contact for all financial questions.
Main Contact
Phone: 513-745-2833
Fax: 513-745-2806
Cincinnati Site
3800 Victory Pkwy
Cincinnati, OH 45207
Columbus Site
8425 Pulsar Place, Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43240
Cleveland Site
Park Center Plaza III
6050 Oak Tree Blvd, Suite 200
Independence, OH 44131
Financial Aid Self-Service
Did you know that you can access your financial aid information 24/7 using the Financial Aid Self-Service portal? Within the Self-Service portal, you have access to the following financial aid functions:
- View documents needed to complete your financial aid application
- Check the status of documents submitted to Student Financial Services
- View your Financial Aid Awards offered by Xavier University
- Check which funds have been paid to your student account
- Review personalized messages from Student Financial Services regarding your account
- Check your student account balance
- Review your account for any holds that need to be resolved
- Review financial aid award history by term and by year
We encourage you to explore Self-Service and familiarize yourself with the features that it offers.