Center for Teaching Excellence

Quantitative Literacy across the Curriculum

Quantitative Literacy (QL) is one of the AACandU?s Essential Learning Outcomes, one that cannot be achieved in math and science courses alone. One definition of QL is a deep understanding of ?middle school math? that can be applied to unfamiliar situations. These skills include interpreting data, translating words into equations and vice versa, drawing graphs, and understanding uncertainty, error, units of measurement, rates of change and standard logical fallacies?and connecting these skills to authentic activities. In this FLC, faculty from across the university will develop classroom activities and assessments to promote QL. We will also discuss ways of talking about QL in the classroom to overcome math phobias or the idea that some people are ?just not good at math.? Along with those who traditionally teach QL, we strongly hope to attract faculty in fields that do not traditionally emphasize QL skills. We also encourage faculty less comfortable with teaching QL to apply.

FLC Members

Supaporn Kradtap (Chemistry)
Heidrun Schmitzer (Physics)
Gabe Gottlieb (Philosophy)
Bernd Rossa (Mathematics)
Eleni Tsalla (Philosophy)
Kristen Renzi (English)
Max Buot (Mathematics)
Debbie Tesch (MIS)
Lin Guo (Health Services)
David Yi (Economics)
Kristen Renzi (English)


Feel free to contact the FLC facilitators about this particular FLC:

Greg Braun (Physics)
Rachel Chrastil (History)

For general questions about FLCs, please see the CTE website or contact:

Steve Yandell, faculty director of the CTE